Stress- A Factor To Consider During Accessibility
Bruce Lawson's personal site
» A screen reader user’s weird tricks to make accessible websites. Number four will shock you!
Stress: A Factor To Consider During Accessibility Research
An intro to designing accessible data visualizations by Sarah L. Fossheim
10 dos and don'ts for designing accessible data visualizations, including real-life examples and resources
Der perfekte „Alt-Text“: Wir haben sechs blinde und sehbehinderte Menschen gefragt, welche Bildbeschreibungen ihnen wirklich etwas bringen
Screenreader lesen blinden und sehbehinderten Menschen vor, was auf dem Bildschirm zu sehen ist – auch Bildbeschreibungen, sofern ein Alt-Text hinterlegt ist. Wie ein Alt-Text gestaltet sein muss…
Do we need WCAG 3 (now)?
Eric asks: Do we need to develop WCAG 3 at this moment? Or is WCAG 2 still good enough?
UserWay | The Leading AI-Powered Web Accessibility Solution
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Moral Injuries of War with Jack Saul and Esther Perel
Moral Injuries of War is an immersive experience forging new ways to contemplate and heal from war through testimony, movement, and public conversation.
Accessibility checklist
The accessibility acceptance criteria testing checklist generator by T-Mobile - Accessibility Resource Center
Designing for Accessibility: Creating Inclusive and User-Centric Products
Accessibility experts Léonie Watson and Rakesh Paladugula discuss the importance of and how to design for accessibility
Nicht nur die Schrift: Microsoft ändert auch Office-Standards
Microsoft ändert nach knapp 10 Jahren seine Design-Standards in Office. Erst kürzlich wurde ein Austausch der Standardschriftart bekannt gegeben.
New Low in the Accessibility “Industry:” Overlay Company Sues Globally-Recognized Accessibility Expert
Mastodon settings animation a11y
Accessibility posters
Telepathie – Wikipedia
Steuern durch Denken möglich?: Neurologen und Psychiater im Netz
Eine Steuerung von Neuroprothesen in Echtzeit ist möglich und erfolgt natürlicher, wenn die Absicht einer kontinuierlichen Bewegung aus menschlichen Hirnsignalen ausgelesen wird.
durch gedanken steuern - Google Search
Sensibilität (Neurowissenschaft) – Wikipedia
sensorik mensch - Google Search
Wahrnehmung – Wikipedia
Behinderungsformen - ein kurzer Überblick | Aktion Mensch
arten der behinderungen - Google Search
Home - The A11Y Project
The A11Y Project is a community-driven effort to make digital accessibility easier.
Designing For Accessibility And Inclusion — Smashing Magazine
The more inclusive you are to the needs of your users, the more accessible your design is. Let's take a closer look at the different lenses of accessibility through which you can refine your designs.
Introduction to Understanding WCAG 2.0 | Understanding WCAG 2.0
A Smashing Guide To The World Of Search Engine Optimization — Smashing Magazine
SEO is an ever-changing world. Blink and you’ll miss the latest best practices, thought leaders, and tools. Feeling out of touch is natural. This guide is your way back into the groove, baby.
Checklist - The A11Y Project
A beginner's guide to digital accessibility.
How & Why Accessibility Matters for SEO
SEO pros play a crucial role in the overlap between SEO and accessibility. Here's how we can make a positive impact on accessibility through our work.
SEO and Accessibility 🔥 Essential Factors to Keep in Mind
SEO best practices and web accessibility often overlap. If you’re learning how to improve SEO ranking, consider making an accessible website.
seo a11y google - Google Search