Humane Design: Avoiding the term "User" - Documentation / Best-practices
It was Aral Balkan that put in strongest words that we should avoid the term “Users” when developing free software. That the term “User” is indicative of the dependency relationship that Big Tech and surveillance capitalism has created between people and the technology they use. One that it not dissimilar of a “drug addict doing drugs” i.e. a user of drugs. The argument is that abstracting people as “Users” in a way de-humanizes them. The thought is that by trying to avoid the term we ar...
Markdown in all its flavors, interpretations, and forks won’t go away. However, it’s important to look at emerging content formats that try to encompass modern needs. In this article, Knut shares his advice against Markdown by looking back on why it was introduced in the first place, and by going through some of the major developments of content on the web.
(Andrea Miquel) Bereits 2005 veröffentlichte das Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) eine Studie mit dem Titel „Why Software Fails“ („Warum Software scheitert“), die einige Fakten enthielt, die schockierender Weise auch heute noch aktuell sind. In jenem Jahr wurde geschätzt, dass weltweit eine Billion Dollar für IT-Projekte, einschließlich Hardware, Software und Dienstleistungen, ausgegeben […]
It’s one reason why so many UX designers are frustrated in their job and why many projects fail. And it’s also why we often can’t sell research: every decision-maker is confident in their own menta…
We often talk about design systems as singular entities. "The design system saves time and increases quality." "Oh, the design system provides that." "Update to the latest version of the design system." The reality is that a design system is a multi-faceted layer cake, and also operates as part of o
Web Accessibility is a must in every web development project, yet it seems to remain a mystery for many web developers. Like it's something legendary instead of an essential skill needed for the job. There are many misconceptions surrounding Web Accessibility, most of the time fueled by a lack of knowledge (or interest) in the matter. This article is a collection of some of those accessibility misconceptions or myths. :: Blog post at Alvaro Montoro's Personal Website.
The most influential designer you’ve never heard of is a 92-year-old artist in SF
Barbara Stauffacher Solomon changed the world of design with her life-sized graphics. A new collaboration with filmmaker Gary Hustwit is designed to introduce her to a new generation of design lovers.
[…] I mean, I get it: you’re literally leaving money on the table if you turn people away. But that’s not the reason to ensure your website is accessible. The reason to ensure that your website is accessible is that it’s the right thing to do. […]