The `prefers-reduced-motion` media query has excellent support in all modern browsers going back a couple of years. In this article, Michelle Barker explains why there’s no reason not to use it today to make your sites more accessible.
Photoshop Etiquette: A Guide to Discernible Web Design
They say a good designer is a meticulous one. “Sweat the details” and all of that. But how well does that ethos check out when we’re passing along PSDs?
I got a lot of useful tips here about resumes for jobseeking graphic designers: In order to even get a human to look at it, it has to be readable by the receuiters’ software, so: - keep the text in...
VANILLA WEB DESIGNGestalten mit Browser, Git und KirbyWieso als Designer:in mit Git arbeiten? Weshalb den Browser als wichtigste App schätzen? Und warum Kirby als Redaktionssystem nutzen?Johanna und Nils sprechen darüber, wie sie als Designteam ihren Tech Stack aus Browser, Text Editor, Git und Kirby CMS für detailorientiertes Gestalten im Web nutzen. Sie beleuchten Projektabläufe, Prozesse und Systeme von Konzeption und Entwurf zu nachhaltiger Realisierung.WerJohanna und Nils Hörrmann bilden das interdisziplinäre Büro für Gestaltung hana+nils aus Braunschweig. Seit 2011 erarbeiten sie mit Kund:innen aus dem In- und Ausland visuelle Projekte in Print und Web.
An Introduction to Accessibility and Inclusive Design
Offered by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. This course introduces some of the fundamental principles of accessibility and ... Enroll for free.
Animation and accessibility are often seen as two separate powers at odds with one another. How is it possible to strike a balance between elements that move and the possible negative effects they expose to users who are sensitive to motion? Oriana García explains how her team at Mercado Libre tackled the challenge by creating guiding principles for applying animation to user interfaces and incorporating them into the team’s design system.
Thanks to Amy Hupe, I learned that there's such a thing as National Blog Posting Month (#NaBloPoMo for short), and it starts today. So here we go with post n...
Own Your Web is a newsletter by Matthias Ott about designing, building, creating, and publishing for and on the Web. Every other week, I send out an exclusive email full of actionable insights, best practices, hacks, links, books, tools, and other high-quality insights I found or explored. Whether you want to get started with your own personal website or level up as a designer, developer, or independent creator working with the ever-changing material of the Web, this little email is for you. ❤✊ Free. No spam ever. You can unsubscribe at any time. By signing up, you consent to my use of your email address to stay in touch with you, as provided in my Privacy Policy.
Include—Accessibility Annotations | Figma Community
Include is a tool built to make annotating for accessibility (a11y) easier—easier for designers to spec and easier for developers to understand what is required. The intent is to have accessibility considerations included during the design phase of any project, and to help with the designer-devel...
Include is a tool built to make annotating for accessibility (a11y) easier—easier for designers to spec and easier for developers to understand what is required.
nclude is a tool built to make annotating for accessibility (a11y) easier—easier for designers to spec and easier for developers to understand what is required.
Due to the absence of a standard usage for individual icons, text labels are necessary to communicate meaning and reduce ambiguity in an icon-based design.
A graphic design app that helps you create professional quality social media posts, invitations, digital postcards, graphics, and more. Start with your idea and create something unique for you.
Moral Injuries of War with Jack Saul and Esther Perel
Moral Injuries of War is an immersive experience forging new ways to contemplate and heal from war through testimony, movement, and public conversation.