Colour Contrast Check
For people with impaired vision, we are required to ensure that there is a minimum amount of contrast between our foreground and background colors. formulas for determining optimum color contrast. W3C's specification on color contrast... hp color palette. style sheet text colors. style sheet text colors.
50 Powerful Time-Savers For Web Designers
There are tools that make our lives much easier. However, finding those obscure time-savers which would save time in every single project isn't easy and requires a lot of time. At Smashing Magazine, we are regularly looking for such useful tools, gather them, review them and eventually prepare for a truly smashing round-up. Such posts are quite lengthy and extensive, but they are always worth checking out.
Screw Key
The simple concept of a screw driver on your key ring is not new. Nobody has made a high quality key ring screwdriver for the last 10 years, until now. They are constructed of heat treated, blackened steel. They are so simple, there's not much more to say about them. (One Phillips and One Straight Blade) - Free CSS Shopping Cart, css2, web standards, xhtml, web 2.0.
What is freeCSScart? Imagine the ability to make a shopping-cart look the way you want. No, not just be able change the background color of a table, but completely change the form and function of a shopping cart with a switch of your css file. Now imagine