Mark Coleran Visual Designer
Direction, Design & Motion
Working With RGBA Colour
Drew McLellan kicks off our 2009 season with a look at some of the tools CSS3 provides for applying levels of transparency to colour values, enabling you to avoid weighing down a site design with heavy PNG images.
Apple - Support - Discussions - Blurry/pixelated icons at random in ...
An AppleScript to reinstall custom icons after updates
Introducing Basic Maths, a Theme for WordPress
A beautiful, brand new blog theme based on Subtraction.com, designed by Allan Cole and myself.
5 Useful Coding Solutions For Designers And Developers
Let's look at some clever techniques developed and used by top professionals in the Web design industry. We can use their examples to develop our own alternative solutions.
Effekte mit der CSS-Eigenschaft text-shadow
23 Pure CSS Effects/Solutions to Make JavaScript Angry
Web Design Sketchbook
The owner of this domain has not yet uploaded their website.
Screw Key
The simple concept of a screw driver on your key ring is not new. Nobody has made a high quality key ring screwdriver for the last 10 years, until now. They are constructed of heat treated, blackened steel. They are so simple, there's not much more to say about them. (One Phillips and One Straight Blade)
Log in or sign up?
"Sometimes I put my log in information into the register fields." "Me too! I hate that not only do I feel stupid, I have to retype everything again." For one of my side projects, Leafy Chat, we have just added the concept of user accounts. This includes the need for registration and log in (as well as log out and forgot password and so on). Leafy Chat only requires an email address and a password for both registration and log in, so it would be great to have some clever way to have both forms on the homepage. Some things...
Android Icons
Androidicons is a professional, handcrafted icon set with 250 icons in 14 different colors and 5 sizes, including an icon font and all sources.
5 Simple, But Useful CSS Properties
This post is about 5 useful CSS properties that you should be very familiar with, but will most likely rarely use. I’m not talking about the new fancy CSS3 properties. I’m referring to the old CSS2 properties such as: clip, min-height, white-space, cursor, and display that are widely supported by all browsers. So, don’t miss […]
Photographic Print Sizes (Wikipedia)
Standard photographic print sizes are used in photographic printing. Cut sheets of paper meant for printing photographs are commonly sold in these sizes.
Paper Sizes (Wikipedia)
There have been many standard sizes of paper at different times and in different countries, but today there are two widespread systems in use: the international standard (A4 and its siblings) and the North American sizes.
The League of Moveable Type
the most well-made, free & open-source, @font-face ready fonts
Font Squirrel : @font-face Generator
Create Your Own @font-face Kits by uploading the fonts you want to use.
Font Squirrel : @font-face Kits
Download and install the Font Awesome free font family by Dave Gandy as well as test-drive and see a complete character set.
… a free question and answer site for web designers
CSS Prism
Enter the URL of any CSS file to view and modify its color spectrum
Mockups To Go
A user-contributed collection of ready-to-use UI components and design patterns built using Balsamiq Mockups.
Mockups For Desktop
Download the desktop version of Balsamiq. Works offline, one-time purchase.
fonts available for @font-face embedding
typographic collaboration and community
Kommunikationsdesign in Deutschland
Jetzt im Magazin des Goethe-Instituts: Porträts, Interviews und Bildergalerien zu Trends im Mode-, Produkt-, Möbel-, Grafik-Design in Deutschland
Druckerey Martin Z. Schröder
Gute Visitenkarten? Feines Briefpapier? Schöne Einladungen? Martin Z. Schröder druckt Visitenkarten, Briefpapier, Einladungen vom Bleisatz und als Letterpress (Prägung) von digitalen oder handgemachten Vorlagen auf feinste Papiere.
The Ministry of Type
The Ministry of Type is a site about type, typography, lettering, calligraphy and other related things that inspire me. I am a designer, illustrator and front-end developer with over 20 years experience in web, print and identity and am based on the south coast of England. I love hand-tracing and recreating old designs as vector artwork, and there are many examples of that in this site.
The Worn/Weathered/Stamped Look
This technique (tutorial) allows you to apply a convincing stamped or weathered look to any typeface.