a book of … self-produced tests … send to print … using the online print-on-demand system Lulu. The book project will therefore act as a colour/type/pattern test of the very system with which it is produced.
... beantwortet die gängigsten Einsteigerfragen und richtet sich an Unternehmen und Personen, die bisher noch keine Erfahrung mit Design haben und nun ein Logo, eine Webseite oder ähnliche Designarbeiten in Auftrag geben möchten.
A modern interpretation of a design classic, this stove top espresso maker combines classic Italian style with unprecedented functionality. The OTTO espresso maker is designed Read More
The Grid Layout Javascript enables web-developers to stick to a Grid Layout quickly and simply by including the Grid Layouts Javascript file and simple XHTML code. Currently, the Grid Layouts Javascript relies on jQuery.
NOTCOT.org was launched May 2006 to fill our need for a place to collect and share fascinating images/links [With a global team, we missed having a "studio bulletin board" to post everything from comics to design research]
The Art of Business: Finally, a Design Contract for the Little Guy
Client contracts are essential, but if you're a small to mid-sized business, hiring a lawyer to create them may be beyond your means. The new "Standard Form of Agreement for Graphic Design Services" published by the American Institute of Graphic Arts can
One of the most often asked questions by new designers, part-time freelancers and those wishing to make a go at freelancing full time is what to charge. […]
Resolution independence is the notion that all graphics on a computer display should be zoomable to an arbitrary multiplier without losing quality. If you know even the slightest thing about computer graphics, you’ll understand that in a resolution independent world, bitmaps are out and vector graphics are in. Vector graphics can scale gracefully to an […]
So you consider yourself a web designer? Good for you. How long have you been designing, what skills do you posses, do you have a portfolio? These are the questions any employer will ask before choosing you out of an unlimited supply of design talent. Is
What happened to the mutual respect that web professionals are supposed to pay one another? I mean, I know there's not a formal guild or anything, but seriously - why on earth would anyone want to go out and throw a colleague under a bus without provocati
Every week, I get emails from potential clients who all want to know one thing: How much for a design? Nine times out of ten, my answer causes them to run for the hills. Scary thing is, based on industry buzz, my prices could actually be considered totall
Live by the Mockup, Die by the Mockup :: UXmatters
Mockup… The term itself brings to mind the duality inherent in this omnipresent design artifact. It’s both a direct representation of a product experience and a shallow portrayal of an interactive system at the same time.
Markup: Webdesign mit Webstandards, CSS, XHTML, Barrierefreiheit
Markup ist die private Website mit Journal zu Webdesign mit Webstandandards, CSS und XHTML von Björn Seibert. Wichtigste Themenbereiche dieser Website : Artikel erscheinen im Journal bzw. Weblog zu Webstandards, CSS, (X)HTML, Accessibility (Barrierefreih
Logotype, commonly know as a logo, is a design, a graphic representation/image/trademark symbolizing one’s organization. Designed for instant identification, a logo can appear on company letterhead, advertising material and signs as an emblem by way of
Logo design is one of the most difficult aspects of design. It’s one of those things you have a hard time separating personal taste from good communication and branding. Here are a few rules I have come up with for myself over the years when I work on a
Logo "touch-up" is one of our most frequent requests. Our final work must be more effective, more visually appealing, and most importantly, recognizable as a revision of the old logo. How do we go about this? I wrote this guide both to offer potential bus
Blog Interface Design 2.0 by Luke Wroblewski // […] information that is frequently buried deep within archives and comments. This article looks at ways to bring that information forward.
A new magazine and an interesting new content destination for designers interested in branding and corporate identity. cidoc.net brings you an archive of corporate identity documentation, corporate design manuals, styleguides and also logo- und manual-rev