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Design Systems are for user interfaces
Design Systems are for user interfaces
We often talk about design systems as singular entities. "The design system saves time and increases quality." "Oh, the design system provides that." "Update to the latest version of the design system." The reality is that a design system is a multi-faceted layer cake, and also operates as part of o
Design Systems are for user interfaces
Myths about Web Accessibility
Myths about Web Accessibility
Web Accessibility is a must in every web development project, yet it seems to remain a mystery for many web developers. Like it's something legendary instead of an essential skill needed for the job. There are many misconceptions surrounding Web Accessibility, most of the time fueled by a lack of knowledge (or interest) in the matter. This article is a collection of some of those accessibility misconceptions or myths. :: Blog post at Alvaro Montoro's Personal Website.
Myths about Web Accessibility