CSS Formatierer und Optimierer (basierend auf CSSTidy 1.2beta)
graphicPUSH: Free icons and free icon sets for web designers.
Free! Icons for your website or application at MaxPower
Background Image Maker
AJAX Activity indicators | Animated GIFs designed to indicate your site is doing something
A collection of royalty-free animated GIF icons to use when your web application is loading
American Memory from the Library of Congress
American Memory is a gateway to rich primary source materials relating to the history and culture of the United States. The site offers more than 7 million digital items from more than 100 historical collections.
Open Source Web Design
Download and upload free web designs.
Free stock photo gallery : StockVault.net
139.045 free stock photos, textures, backgrounds and graphics for your next project. No attribution required.
Image * After - currently 12400 free textures and images available
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squidfingers / patterns
famfamfam.com: Icons
famfamfam is the personal website of Mark James
script.aculo.us - web 2.0 javascript
Telegraphics - Free Plugins for Photoshop
Free Photoshop and Illustrator plugins, and other software, including GPL source code