Has Design Become Too Hard?
iOS Human Interface Guidelines
Interview with Tom Krcha, Adobe XD
UX Designers Aren’t Always Right: Part I – Knowing When We’re Wrong
Good services are verbs, bad services are nouns
Optical corrections in logo design
Material Kit by Creative Tim
The Product Design of IoT
Better Interface Design: Logins, Menus, Toggles And Other Fancy Modules
Fluid UI
web and mobile app prototyping
App Prototyping Tools For Designers
Craft by InVision LABS
[…] a suite of plugins to let you design with real data in mind. Manage them via the new Craft Manager for incredibly easy updating.
Principle - Animated Design
Principle makes it easy to create animated and interactive user interface designs. Whether you're designing the flow of a multi-screen app, or new interactions and animations […]
all icons sets (UX Repo)
User Inter Faces
U.S. Web Design Standards
Touch Target Sizes
People interact with touch-based user interfaces with their fingers. So user interface controls have to be big enough to capture fingertip actions without frustrating users with erroneous actions and tiny targets. Ok, so how big?
Common Misconceptions About Touch
Web magazine about user experience matters, providing insights and inspiration for the user experience community
Device Art Generator – Android Developers
The device art generator enables you to quickly wrap app screenshots in device artwork. This provides better visual context for your app screenshots on your website or in other promotional materials
IBM Design Language
Antetype - Layout aware User Interface Design
… design beautiful, responsive UIs for apps, websites and enterprise software.
Origins of Common UI Symbols
They are road signs for your daily rituals — the instantly recognized symbols and icons you press, click and ogle countless times a day when you interact with your computer. But how much do you know about their origins?
Inspecting Yosemite’s Icons
Finely crafted software for the discerning client.
Content-out Layout
Grids serve well to divide up a predefined canvas and guide how content fits onto a page, but when designing for the web’s fluid nature, we need something more responsive. Enter ratios, which archi…
Pattern Lab
Create atomic design ( http://bradfrost.com/blog/post/atomic-web-design/ ) systems with Pattern Lab.
Iterating the Editorially UI
Webdesign-Trends 2014: Das erwartet Webworker im neuen Jahr
Nur noch wenige Tage, dann ist es da – das neue Jahr.
Sketchbooks of a Web Developer
Responsive Sketch Pad
Quickly generate cross-platform application ideas. Brainstorm breakpoints and get a handle on how a website might translate to mobile and tablet versions. This pad has 2 device silhouettes on the front and 3 on the back.
Features:- Printing on both sides- Dot grid, 150 PPI- Letter size- Project Name, Screen, Date & Note fields- 50 sheets, 110g/m² paper- Cardboard back- Rounded bottom two corners- 100% Recyclable
This pad works with our website stencil and pixel ruler (sold separately).