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SVGBox - API for Web Icons
SVGBox - API for Web Icons
SVGBox makes it dead-easy to include icons in your project. Simple tags: that's all you need. No CSS, JS, file uploads, or inline SVGs. It's completely free and delivered over Cloudflare CDN, the same technology that powers CDNJs's 190B+ monthly requests .
SVGBox - API for Web Icons
Interface-Design, UX und die Forschung
Interface-Design, UX und die Forschung
Es ist kompliziert Wie oft haben Sie ein digitales Forschungsangebot in Ihrem Browser oder gar auf Ihrem Smartphone geöffnet und gedacht: Mensch, das ist mal ein ansprechendes Design! Und so einfach! Nie? Selten? Das wundert nicht. Im Kontext von Forschungssoftware – und dazu zähle ich digitale Editionen oder Browser-basierte Software – gilt in der Regel: … Interface-Design, UX und die Forschung weiterlesen
Interface-Design, UX und die Forschung
The Market for Lemons - Infrequently Noted
The Market for Lemons - Infrequently Noted
New web services are being built to a self-defeatingly low UX and performance standard, and existing experiences are now pervasively re-developed on unspeakably slow, JS-taxed stacks. At a business level, this is a disaster, raising the question: why are new teams buying into stacks that have failed so often before?
The Market for Lemons - Infrequently Noted
Top 10 UX Articles of 2022
Top 10 UX Articles of 2022
The user-experience articles published in 2022 that our audience read the most.
Top 10 UX Articles of 2022