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… a brand new open source CSS library designed to help developers build web apps with an emphasis on speed. It evolved from the Adobe design language developed for Brackets, Edge Reflow, and feedback from the PhoneGap app developer community. →
Google Visual Assets Guidelines - Part 2: User interface icons and Illustrations
Google Visual Assets Guidelines - Part 2: User interface icons and Illustrations
[User interface icons and Illustrations] In January 2012, expanding on the new iconography style started by Creative Lab, we began creating this solid, yet flexible, set of guidelines that have been helping Google’s designers and vendors to produce high quality work that helps strengthen Google’s identity.
Google Visual Assets Guidelines - Part 2: User interface icons and Illustrations
Google Visual Assets Guidelines - Part 1: Product icons and logo lockups
Google Visual Assets Guidelines - Part 1: Product icons and logo lockups
[Product icons and logo lockups] In January 2012, expanding on the new iconography style started by Creative Lab, we began creating this solid, yet flexible, set of guidelines that have been helping Google’s designers and vendors to produce high quality work that helps strengthen Google’s identity.
Google Visual Assets Guidelines - Part 1: Product icons and logo lockups
Responsible Considerations For Responsive Web Design
Responsible Considerations For Responsive Web Design
Responsive Web design has been evolving rapidly ever since Ethan Marcotte coined the term two years ago. Since then, techniques have emerged, become best practices and formed part of our ever-changing methodology. A few obvious examples are the multitude of responsive image techniques, conditional loading, and responsive design and server-side components (RESS), among many other existing and emerging strands stemming from the core concept of responsive Web design.
Responsible Considerations For Responsive Web Design
10 Commandments of Web Design
10 Commandments of Web Design
LukeW Ideation + Design provides resources for mobile and Web product design and strategy including presentations, workshops, articles, books and more on usability, interaction design and visual design.
10 Commandments of Web Design
Trends in interactive design 2013
Trends in interactive design 2013
Starting at the emerging trends in 2012 moving to what is happening in interaction design in 2013. the consolidation of ongoing trends up to future thinking and some advice on how to keep up. Take your time to browse through the 147 slides of this impressive deck. Brands who fancy a 'live' presentation in their offices can contact us to make an appointment. Do spread along, cause sharing still is caring.
Trends in interactive design 2013
Facebook - New Look & Concept
Facebook - New Look & Concept
A conceptional and systematic design approach for a new responsive desktop and iPad concept for Facebook. I wanted to create a better understanding and relation between user and content and how such data can be displayed. Today, Facebook is not so much the necessary evil that people have to get used to anymore as much as it has become part of people's behaviour on a daily basis. That behaviour is a very powerful tool for both end-users and companies around the world when "used and promoted in the correct way", create your platform and tell a story about it! The visual impact is crucial today and how we're displaying information is essential for any application's success. I approached the platform from a user perspective and focused on targeted & personalized data while maintaining a visually appealing UI. Facebook has done a good job on this for a long time but we're still not seeing the full extent of what's possible within this platform. I believe the future of data, design & dev lies within personalised or targeted information online, because currently, we're flooded with information online such as banners, ads and other media who have based their campaigns on a more narrative philosophy (which is "interrupting the user" to think of a brand or product they hadn't thought about). This concept draws upon a systematic theory, creating a more personal environment online.
Facebook - New Look & Concept