

Alice Guy, die vergessene Filmpionierin - Film in voller Länge | ARTE
Alice Guy, die vergessene Filmpionierin - Film in voller Länge | ARTE
Sie war die erste Regisseurin und Produzentin in der Filmgeschichte und dennoch kennt kaum jemand ihren Namen: Alice Guy. Sie war in Europa und in Amerika außerordentlich erfolgreich, wurde dann aber aus den Annalen des Kinos ausradiert. Bis heute ist dies für viele Filmemacherinnen symptomatisch für die nach wie vor von Männern beherrschte Branche.
Alice Guy, die vergessene Filmpionierin - Film in voller Länge | ARTE
What is the 180° Rule, Anyway?
What is the 180° Rule, Anyway?
It's the golden rule of film school and one of the most reliable tools in a cinematographer's toolkit. Here's how the 180-degree rule works.
What is the 180° Rule, Anyway?
A Guide to The Perfect Bong Joon-ho Marathon
A Guide to The Perfect Bong Joon-ho Marathon
Need a primer on 'Parasite' director Bong Joon-ho? These five films will give you a complete portrait of the auteur's career.
A Guide to The Perfect Bong Joon-ho Marathon
The 100 Greatest Films of All Time
The 100 Greatest Films of All Time
In our biggest ever poll in 2012, 846 critics, programmers and curators nominated ten best movies ever made – and the results gave us a new top film, ending the 50-year reign of Citizen Kane.
The 100 Greatest Films of All Time
10 Most Heartbreaking Horror Films
10 Most Heartbreaking Horror Films
Most horror movies want to scare, unsettle, or disturb, but some set their sights even higher. These are the most heartbreaking horror films.
10 Most Heartbreaking Horror Films
Dune Has a Desert Problem
Dune Has a Desert Problem
The sci-fi story has always been about more than just sand, but Denis Villeneuve’s Part One ignores the influence of MENA cultures and Islam.
Dune Has a Desert Problem
The Beauty of Jean Cocteau’s ‘La Belle et la Bête’
The Beauty of Jean Cocteau’s ‘La Belle et la Bête’
The self-titled Belle and her captor-turned-prince Beast have returned to cinema screens around the world. In Disney’s latest live-action reiteration of one of their much-loved animated fairytales, Bill Condon’s live-action Beauty and the Beast has reintroduced contemporary audiences to the pair. With their return has come explorations of Disney’s representations of gayness, the question of […]
The Beauty of Jean Cocteau’s ‘La Belle et la Bête’