Jud Süß 2.0 - Vom NS- zum Online-Antisemitismus - Die ganze Doku | ARTE
Algerien 1943. Der Betrug an den Juden - Die ganze Doku | ARTE
Wenn ein Film zum Mordaufruf wird
Die arte-Doku "Jud Süß 2.0" geht den visuellen Wurzeln des heutigen Antisemitismus nach
Grenzenlos übergriffig
Die Serie erzählt die unglaubliche Geschichte eines gerissenen New Yorker Psychiaters und seines naiven Patienten
Pias Geheimnis
In der Netflix-Serie gerät eine Norwegerin in die Fänge von Islamisten
How 'Orphan Black' Hits the Ground Running with "Natural Selection"
We look at how 'Natural Selection,' the first episode of Orphan Black, introduces viewers to a fast-paced thrilling world.
Cinematographer Tami Reiker Explains Why the Camera Floats in 'One Night in Miami'
We chat with DP Tami Reiker about her jib-arm camera system and how a DC Comics villain inspired the cinematography of 'One Night in Miami.'
Alice Guy, die vergessene Filmpionierin - Film in voller Länge | ARTE
Sie war die erste Regisseurin und Produzentin in der Filmgeschichte und dennoch kennt kaum jemand ihren Namen: Alice Guy. Sie war in Europa und in Amerika außerordentlich erfolgreich, wurde dann aber aus den Annalen des Kinos ausradiert. Bis heute ist dies für viele Filmemacherinnen symptomatisch für die nach wie vor von Männern beherrschte Branche.
What is the 180° Rule, Anyway?
It's the golden rule of film school and one of the most reliable tools in a cinematographer's toolkit. Here's how the 180-degree rule works.
The Ramifications of Remix Culture: A Brief History of the Fan Edit
Here's a video essay about the distinctly postmodern phenomenon of "fan edits," versions of films, tweaked and re-assembled by audiences.
Yorgos Lanthimos Gets Even Weirder with Anti-Doppelgänger Short 'Nimic'
Yorgos Lanthimos, director of ‘The Favourite,’ ruminates on his favorite theme in the eerie short film 'Nimic' starring Matt Dillon.
With ‘Encanto’, Hollywood Continues its Disneyfication of Latin Cultures
“At last,” I thought with relief, “Colombians will come to be associated with more than just sex and death.” But at what cost?
Men of the Cloth and Creatures of the Night: Bad Priests and Good Vampires in ‘Midnight Mass’ and ‘Thirst’
Mike Flanagan and Park Chan-wook take the same idea — what if a priest was doing more than drinking the blood of Christ? — and spin strikingly different meditations on religion, faith, and morality…
Die Outsider: Francis Ford Coppola hat Filmklassiker überarbeitet
Netflix Viewing Activity
Meet the Team on a Quest to Find Orson Welles' Lost Original Cut of 'The Magnificent Ambersons'
We talked to the director and producers of The Lost Print, a documentary about finding the lost director's cut of The Magnificent Ambersons.
A Guide to The Perfect Bong Joon-ho Marathon
Need a primer on 'Parasite' director Bong Joon-ho? These five films will give you a complete portrait of the auteur's career.
Love It Was Not | Greenwich Entertainment
Film list: “the best film ever made” -David at one point
(David from Blank Check with Griffin & David)
Film list: Japanese Films That Will Blow Your Mind And Make You Reevaluate The Possibilities Of The Cinematic Artform
These are just some examples of personal favorites, but honestly, this list could be endless!
28 Things We Learned from Christopher McQuarrie's 'The Way of the Gun' Commentary
Christopher McQuarrie's first film as director remains a good time, so we revisited it by giving a listen to 'The Way of the Gun' commentary.
10 Best Slices of Apocalyptic Horror (That Don't Involve Zombies)
2020 is shaping to be the year of the end. Prepare for the inevitable end with these 10 entertaining and educational apocalypse horror movies.
'Christmas in July' and Preston Sturges' Overlooked Dream Project
Preston Sturges made his passion project, 'Christmas in July,' early in his career, but its sincerity is usualy passed over for his classics.
Why Pop Culture Is Obsessed With The 1980s Right Now
Are we approaching '80s nostalgia fatigue?
'The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension' Needs No Comic To Fill Its Universe
Monkey Boys don't need sequels, prequels, or even source material to suggest a massive cinematic shared universe. A look back at 'Buckaroo Banzai.'
10 Spookiest and Most Terrifying Silent Horror Movies
Sound plays a major role in genre films, but as out list of silent horror movies shows it's far from a necessary element in crafting terror.
Kulüp – der Club – eine jüdische Serie aus Istanbul
Netflix zeigt mit »Kulüp der Club« eine Serie über jüdische Figuren in Istanbul auf dem Markt. Schauen wir uns das Ergebnis an.
The 100 Greatest Films of All Time
In our biggest ever poll in 2012, 846 critics, programmers and curators nominated ten best movies ever made – and the results gave us a new top film, ending the 50-year reign of Citizen Kane.
How Netflix’s adaptation of Passing reflects the novel’s time — and ours
In Rebecca Hall’s film, Nella Larsen’s story comes to life in black and white.
10 Most Heartbreaking Horror Films
Most horror movies want to scare, unsettle, or disturb, but some set their sights even higher. These are the most heartbreaking horror films.