

Roland Pohl (@r_vanhal) on Threads
Roland Pohl (@r_vanhal) on Threads
...ich habe gelesen, dass ND's (mit Anteilen im autistischen Spektrum) "natural born Phenomenologists" sind. Darüber denke ich sehr viel nach, da das schon auch auf meine Wahrnehmung der Welt...
Roland Pohl (@r_vanhal) on Threads
📝 Autismus-/ADHS-Diagnostik & Behandlung | Gesamt
📝 Autismus-/ADHS-Diagnostik & Behandlung | Gesamt
Eine Sammlung von Anlaufstellen zur ADHS- & Autismus-Diagnostik in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Wenn nicht anders vermerkt, bedeutet “Diagnostik” auch Weiterbehandlung nach der Diagnose. Habt ihr weitere Anlaufstellen, Ergänzungen oder Updates? Dann schickt bitte eine Mail an ALLE ANGABEN OHNE GARANTIE! Die Datenbank entstand auf Grundlage eines Instagram-Posts, hier wurden lediglich alle Infos zusammengetragen. HINWEIS: Die Erfahrungsberichte spiegeln nicht zwingend die Meinung der Seitenbetreiber*innen wider. Wir stellen lediglich eine Plattform zur Verfügung, auf der gebündelt Anlaufstellen und Erfahrungsberichte einsehbar sind.
📝 Autismus-/ADHS-Diagnostik & Behandlung | Gesamt
C7 nab hli ez e
C7 nab hli ez e
Being a late diagnosed autistic means realising you spent your entire life understanding others before you understood yourself. It’s knowing that you put all your effort into understanding their...
C7 nab hli ez e
Differenzierung von Angst und Furcht bei ADHS und Autismus: Symptome verstehen und behandeln - Blog ADHS-Spektrum
Differenzierung von Angst und Furcht bei ADHS und Autismus: Symptome verstehen und behandeln - Blog ADHS-Spektrum
Blog zu ADHS bei Erwachsenen und Neurodiversität. Wie fördere ich über Psychoedukation, ADHS Coaching, Psychotherapie und Medikation mit Stimulantien und anderen Medikamenten Erwachsene mit ADHS und nutze die besonderen Talente und Ressourcen ?
Differenzierung von Angst und Furcht bei ADHS und Autismus: Symptome verstehen und behandeln - Blog ADHS-Spektrum
what is stimming?
what is stimming?
Stimming, short for self-stimulatory behavior, refers to repetitive body movements or repetitive movements of objects that are often seen in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It involves repetitive behaviors like hand-flapping, rocking, spinning, or repeating words or noises. Stimming can take various forms including: Auditory stimming: Making vocal sounds, humming, or repeating...
what is stimming?
Neurodiversität im Job: Autismus, AD(H)S und Co nicht als »Krankheiten«, sondern als bereichernde Persönlichkeitsmerkmale begreifen | NachhaltigeJobs
Neurodiversität im Job: Autismus, AD(H)S und Co nicht als »Krankheiten«, sondern als bereichernde Persönlichkeitsmerkmale begreifen | NachhaltigeJobs
Jedes Gehirn ist anders gestrickt: Wie neurodivergente Menschen mit den richtigen Arbeitsbedingungen ihre Stärken voll entfalten können.
Neurodiversität im Job: Autismus, AD(H)S und Co nicht als »Krankheiten«, sondern als bereichernde Persönlichkeitsmerkmale begreifen | NachhaltigeJobs
C6oo jd rqjx
C6oo jd rqjx
I truly wish there was more general education on autism and ADHD. there's honestly not much overlap between the two. a lot of people have both. people would rather say something is an ADHD trait than...
C6oo jd rqjx
Is Camouflaging Autistic Traits Associated with Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviours? Expanding the Interpersonal Psychological Theory of Suicide in an Undergraduate Student Sample - PubMed
Is Camouflaging Autistic Traits Associated with Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviours? Expanding the Interpersonal Psychological Theory of Suicide in an Undergraduate Student Sample - PubMed
The current study explored whether people who camouflage autistic traits are more likely to experience thwarted belongingness and suicidality, as predicted by the Interpersonal Psychological Theory of Suicide (IPTS). 160 undergraduate students (86.9% female, 18-23 years) completed a cross-sectional …
Is Camouflaging Autistic Traits Associated with Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviours? Expanding the Interpersonal Psychological Theory of Suicide in an Undergraduate Student Sample - PubMed
hat.talks - AuDHD Speech & Language Therapist 🌈🧠 on Instagram: "I had some sessions this week that focused on monotropic attention so I thought I’d share! 🧠 We talked about different attention styles and the impact of this. We drew diagrams of our brains and what we feel takes us most of our brain space. We also talked about the contrast with monotropism and ADHD 🤯 My clients felt they learnt so much and even went home and into school to tell adults about the different ways they process information and pay attention! Love that it’s enabled them to advocate!! 👏🏻 This is why psychoeducation and post identification support is so vital ☝🏼 #AuDHD #Monotropism #Monotropic #ADHD #Autistic #Psychoeducation #Autism #AutismSupport #AutismEducation #Neurodiversity #PostDiagnosticSupport #SpeechTherapy #Speechie #SpeechTherapist #SLP #SpeechLanguage #SelfAdvocacy #AutisticAdvocacy"
hat.talks - AuDHD Speech & Language Therapist 🌈🧠 on Instagram: "I had some sessions this week that focused on monotropic attention so I thought I’d share! 🧠 We talked about different attention styles and the impact of this. We drew diagrams of our brains and what we feel takes us most of our brain space. We also talked about the contrast with monotropism and ADHD 🤯 My clients felt they learnt so much and even went home and into school to tell adults about the different ways they process information and pay attention! Love that it’s enabled them to advocate!! 👏🏻 This is why psychoeducation and post identification support is so vital ☝🏼 #AuDHD #Monotropism #Monotropic #ADHD #Autistic #Psychoeducation #Autism #AutismSupport #AutismEducation #Neurodiversity #PostDiagnosticSupport #SpeechTherapy #Speechie #SpeechTherapist #SLP #SpeechLanguage #SelfAdvocacy #AutisticAdvocacy"
589 likes, 13 comments - on May 3, 2024: "#AuDHD #Monotropism #Monotropic #ADHD #Autistic #Psychoeducation #Autism #AutismSupport #AutismEducation #Neurodiversity #PostDiagnosticSupport #SpeechTherapy #Speechie #SpeechTherapist #SLP #SpeechLanguage #SelfAdvocacy #AutisticAdvocacy I had some sessions this week that focused on monotropic attention so I thought I’d share! 🧠 We talked about different attention styles and the impact of this. We drew diagrams of our brains and what we feel takes us most of our brain space. We also talked about the contrast with monotropism and ADHD 🤯 My clients felt they learnt so much and even went home and into school to tell adults about the different ways they process information and pay attention! Love that it’s enabled them to advocate!! 👏🏻 This is why psychoeducation and post identification support is so vital ☝🏼 ".
hat.talks - AuDHD Speech & Language Therapist 🌈🧠 on Instagram: "I had some sessions this week that focused on monotropic attention so I thought I’d share! 🧠 We talked about different attention styles and the impact of this. We drew diagrams of our brains and what we feel takes us most of our brain space. We also talked about the contrast with monotropism and ADHD 🤯 My clients felt they learnt so much and even went home and into school to tell adults about the different ways they process information and pay attention! Love that it’s enabled them to advocate!! 👏🏻 This is why psychoeducation and post identification support is so vital ☝🏼 #AuDHD #Monotropism #Monotropic #ADHD #Autistic #Psychoeducation #Autism #AutismSupport #AutismEducation #Neurodiversity #PostDiagnosticSupport #SpeechTherapy #Speechie #SpeechTherapist #SLP #SpeechLanguage #SelfAdvocacy #AutisticAdvocacy"
The #ActuallyAutistic hashtag was created as an alternative to the #autism hashtag to be for blogs or blog posts created by autistic people. How the ActuallyAutistic hashtag is used on the Art of Autism | The Art of Autism A common question from those new to the ActuallyAutistic hashtag is: “is it inclusive of self-diagnosis?” Yes, […]
Creating Autistic Suffering: The AuDHD Burnout to Psychosis Cycle- A deeper look - Emergent Divergence
Creating Autistic Suffering: The AuDHD Burnout to Psychosis Cycle- A deeper look - Emergent Divergence
This article was co-authored by Tanya Adkin and David Gray-Hammond Monotropism is a theory of autism. It is used interchangeably as a theory and also a trait that describes a style of attention. It suggests that Autistic people tend to have singular but highly detailed tunnels of attention, as opposed to spreading their attentional resources
Creating Autistic Suffering: The AuDHD Burnout to Psychosis Cycle- A deeper look - Emergent Divergence