@actuallyautistic@a.gup.pe #actuallyautistic #substack is problematic but #DevonPrice, author of the book #UnmaskingAutism has a new article up today about #selfidentification #selfrealization #selfdiagnosis #selfdx Self-Identification is the Future of Autism Assessment Substack: https://drdevonprice.substack.com/p/self-identification-is-the-future Medium: https://medium.com/@devonprice/self-identification-is-the-future-of-autism-assessment-1e73528e8b10?sk=v2%2F1e5b26bb-63bd-4c99-8e0f-a25e527f49cb
Medizinisches Cannabis bei Gilles de la Tourette-Syndrom und ADHS
Vortrag im Rahmen der Tagung "Cannabis zur Behandlung von neurodegenerativen Krankheiten und neuronalen Entwicklungsstörungen" am 08.September 2023 in Bozen. Prof. Dr. Kirsten Müller Vahl - Ärztin für Neurologie und Psychiatrie, geschäftsführende Oberärztin der Klinik für Psychiatrie, Sozialpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie an der med. Hochschule Hannover (D) Veranstaltung organisiert vom Cannabis Social Club Bozen, realisiert mit der Unterstützung der Abteilung Gesundheit der Autonomen Provinz Bozen - Südtirol
The estimated prevalence of autism spectrum disorder in individuals over 8 years is
currently one in 44, with applied behavioural analysis being the most commonly used
state-funded form of treatment for autism in the USA.1 Part of its widespread availability
is the policy of the American Medical Association (AMA), which supported applied behavioural
analysis as the first choice evidence-based treatment for autism.1 However, at the
AMA House of Delegates annual meeting in June, 2023, Resolution 706 entitled, “Revision
of H-185.921, removal of AMA support for applied behavior analysis”,1 put forward
two changes.
#Autistics and #ADHD people: What are your most liked autistic-centered (or ADHD-centered) websites (created and edited by autistics and/or ADHDers) that have informative, well-sourced and thoughtful articles about autism, ADHD, and neurodiversity? @actuallyautistic@a.gup.pe #actuallyautistic #adhd @actuallyadhd@a.gup.pe
Long-Term ADHD Medications and Cardiovascular Disease Risk
When used for a prolonged time, pharmacologic treatments for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) were linked with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease—specifically hypertension and arterial disease—in a case-control study.
auch Hypersensibilität oder Hochsensitivität, bezeichnet das Temperamentsmerkmal höherer sensorischer Verarbeitungssensitivität (englisch: Sensory Processing Sensitivity SPS)
→ highly sensitive person (HSP) … a temperamental or personality trait involving "an increased sensitivity of the central nervous system and a deeper cognitive processing of physical, social, and emotional stimuli".
→ [Hochsensibilität (auch: Hypersensibilität oder Hochsensitivität) → https://w.wiki/8cUm
is a temperamental or personality trait involving "an increased sensitivity of the central nervous system and a deeper cognitive processing of physical, social, and emotional stimuli".
A reverse Turing-test for predicting social deficits in people with Autism
Social symptoms of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are typically viewed as consequences of an impaired Theory of Mind, i.e. the ability to understand others’ covert mental states. Here, we test the assumption that such “mind blindness” may be due to the inability to exploit contextual knowledge about, e.g., the stakes of social interactions, to make sense of otherwise ambiguous cues (e.g., idiosyncratic responses to social competition). In this view, social cognition in ASD may simply reduce to non-social cognition, i.e. cognition that is not informed by the social context. We compared 24 adult participants with ASD to 24 neurotypic participants in a repeated dyadic competitive game against artificial agents with calibrated mentalizing sophistication. Critically, participants were framed to believe that they were competing against humans (social framing) or not (non-social framing), hence the “reverse Turing test”. In contrast to control participants, the strategy of people with ASD is insensitive to the game’s framing, i.e. they do not constrain their understanding of others’ behaviour with the contextual knowledge about the game (cf. competitive social framing). They also outperform controls when playing against simple agents, but are outperformed by them against recursive algorithms framed as human opponents. Moreover, computational analyses of trial-by-trial choice sequences in the game show that individuals with ASD rely on a distinctive cognitive strategy with subnormal flexibility and mentalizing sophistication. These computational phenotypes yield 79% diagnosis classification accuracy and explain 62% of the severity of social symptoms in people with ASD.
A reverse Turing-test for predicting social deficits in people with Autism
Autistic peer-to-peer information transfer is highly effective - Catherine J Crompton, Danielle Ropar, Claire VM Evans-Williams, Emma G Flynn, Sue Fletcher-Watson, 2020
Effective information transfer requires social communication skills. As autism is clinically defined by social communication deficits, it may be expected that i...
Manche Menschen ermatten schneller, halten Lärm weniger gut aus oder nehmen sich vieles zu Herzen. Das sind Eigenschaften, die zum Phänomen der Hochsensitivität oder Hochsensibilität gehören. Wie lebt es sich damit?
Hey friends, When first started to think I might have ADHD, I wrote up a giant list of all the things that I was struggling with that I thought could be related to ADHD. It was a lot of the typical things you would expect: difficulties with procrastination
Improve your productivity with color coding - Structured Blog
Structured combines your calendars and tasks. Set a time and duration for everything you need to do and get a visual timeline of your day, plus see where you have time to take a break.
Structured combines your calendars and tasks. Set a time and duration for everything you need to do and get a visual timeline of your day, plus see where you have time to take a break.
Re: ADHS bei Erwachsenen - Hummeln im Hirn | Video | ADHS galt lange als Krankheit von Kindern und Jugendlichen. Doch sie kann auch Erwachsene betreffen, wenn sie nicht früh erkannt wird und unbehandelt bleibt. Knapp fünf Prozent der Erwachsenen haben ADHS - und wissen es oft nicht. Jahrelange Leidensgeschichten sind die Folge, obwohl die Störung eigentlich gut behandelt werden kann.
What is unique about my experience as an AuDHD Schizophrenic person? - Emergent Divergence
Over the years, I have spoken about my experience of psychosis and autism from the perspective of its uniqueness. However, over the last few years, I have come to accept that I am also ADHD, and I feel that addressing the particular intersections at play for AuDHD people experiencing psychosis is something that needs to
Die Aufmerksamkeitsstörung ADHS bekommt gerade viel Aufmerksamkeit. In den sozialen Medien wimmelt es vor Selbstoffenbarungen – auch von Prominenten. Modeerscheinung oder ein echtes Problem?
Good Autistic Advocacy Organizations vs. Bad Autism “Charities”
Image description: Examples of good autism advocacy organizations at the top, such as the Autistic Self Advocacy Network, Autistic Inclusive Meets, the Autistic Women and Nonbinary Network, and Aut…