I am so glad that I finally have a blog again. Now I can finally give the chaos in my mind free reign, by which I mean write six thousand ideas for my blog posts in a single Google task that I keep…
Is ADHD Neurodivergent? Celebrating the Diversity of Human Thinking and Behavior
ADHD can affect your memory, learning, focus, and habits. But does this make it neurodivergent? Find out the meaning of this term and how it is linked to ADHD.
Can’t focus? Hard to sit still? Ever wonder if you have ADHD? No one should self-diagnose, but ADHD is often missed in adults because they don’t know what to look for and miss common warning signs. Our host Sheena Williams is here to help navigate, with help from guests Alice (@the_mini_adhd_coach), @FosterOnTheSpectrum and Megan Anna Neff, Psy.D.
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Find our experts and hosts:
:: Sheena William, RN ::
Twitter: @Keepingitkinky1
Instagram: @keepingitkinky
:: Alok Patel, MD ::
Website: http://alokpatelmd.com/
Twitter: @AlokPatelMD
Instagram: @alokpatelmd
:: Megan Anna Neff ::
Dr. Neff is a neurodivergent (Autistic-ADHD) clinician, parent, and advocate.
YouTube: @neurodivegent_insights
:: Alice Gendron ::
Alice is a video producer, educator and author. Her book, "The Mini ADHD Coach," will be available September 26.
Instagram: @the_mini_adhd_coach
YouTube: @theminiadhdcoach
:: Foster Cotton ::
Foster makes great videos.
YouTube: @fosteronthespectrum
Want to Read More?
Diagnostic Criteria
More on Autism/ADHD connection:
Why Are Prescriptions For ADHD Rising?
Overdiagnosed or Underdiagnosed in Children & Adolescents?
Skeptical View Arguing ADHD may be OVERdiagnosed in adults:
Racial Disparities in Diagnosis:
Men/Boys Much More Likely to be Diagnosed:
ADHD and Substance Abuse
Symptoms Tend to Continue Into Adulthood
Thyroid & ADHD:
This episode of Vitals is licensed exclusively to YouTube.
00:00 Intro
00:44 The three types of ADHD
02:10 Not just a childhood condition
03:15 "Unofficial" symptoms
05:03 Eight things that get confused with ADHD
06:53 ADHD and autism
07:56 Over- or under-diagnosed?
08:57 Treatment/medication
10:52 ADHD life hacks
11:53 What it meant to get a diagnosis
Psychedelika wie Psilocybin verändern das Gehirn derart, dass sich kritische Zeitfenster hoher Plastizität wieder öffnen, wie Studien an Mäusen nun zeigen
»ADHS ist immer wieder ein Phänomen, das sich zwischen Genie und Versagen bewegt, übergangslos vom hochbegabten „zerstreuten Professor“ oder dem eloquenten Entertainer bis hin zu einem schwer gestörten chaotischen und gescheiterten Menschen, der an seinen vielen Misserfolgen zerbricht.«
Eine Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS) beginnt im Kindes- und Jugendalter und bleibt oft im Erwachsenenalter bestehen. Hinter ADHS verbirgt sich eine der häufigsten psychischen Auffälligkeiten bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Man nimmt an, dass etwa 2 bis 6 Prozent aller Kinder und Jugendlichen unter krankhaften Störungen der Aufmerksamkeit und an motorischer Unruhe leiden.
ADHS Erwachsene: Symptome sind weniger offensichtlich | therapie.de
Erwachsene mit ADHS sind leicht abzulenken, häufig desorganisiert und fühlen sich innerlich unruhig und getrieben. ADHS ist per multimodaler Therapie gut behandelbar.
Neue Form der #Depression entdeckt – #Antidepressiva wirken nicht
Das Borderline-Syndrom ist eine psychische Störung, die durch instabile zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen, Stimmungsschwankungen, impulsives Verhalten und Identitätsprobleme gekennzeichnet ist. Erfahren Sie mehr über Symptome, Diagnose und Behandlungsmöglichkeiten.
Autism and pain: When pain management options are limited - Emergent Divergence
I have recently been writing about the Autistic experience of pain and the risk that it presents to Autistic people when medical professionals do not understand the way we display pain. Some of us, however, live with chronic pain and are prescribed painkillers. For a lot of people in that position, narcotic pain relief serves
Mit dem Copenhagener Burnout Inventory (CBI) testen Sie in wenigen Minuten anonym und kostenlos Ihr Burnout-Risiko auf persönliche Erschöpfungen, arbeits- und klientenbezogene Erschöpfung.
A catatonic woman awakened after 20 years. Her story may change psychiatry.
New research suggests that a subset of patients with psychiatric conditions like schizophrenia may actually have autoimmune disease that attacks the brain.
Apps to support those with ADHD : App Store Story
Learn about collection Apps to support those with ADHD featuring Structured - Daily Planner, OffScreen: Screen Time Control, Fabulous: Daily Habit Tracker and many more on App Store. Enjoy these apps on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.
“You Write Better Than You Talk": What Does Autism Have to Do with Conversation and Emotional Expression?: Articles: Indiana Resource Center for Autism: Indiana University Bloomington
“You Write Better Than You Talk": What Does Autism Have to Do with Conversation and Emotional Expression?
I talk a lot about having ADHD. Between this blog, Twitter, my own podcasts, and many that I’ve guested on, I find ADHD easy to talk about. And people are, for the most part, receptive to hearing