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“You Write Better Than You Talk": What Does Autism Have to Do with Conversation and Emotional Expression?: Articles: Indiana Resource Center for Autism: Indiana University Bloomington
“You Write Better Than You Talk": What Does Autism Have to Do with Conversation and Emotional Expression?: Articles: Indiana Resource Center for Autism: Indiana University Bloomington
“You Write Better Than You Talk": What Does Autism Have to Do with Conversation and Emotional Expression?
“You Write Better Than You Talk": What Does Autism Have to Do with Conversation and Emotional Expression?: Articles: Indiana Resource Center for Autism: Indiana University Bloomington
Methylphenidat schwächt bei Menschen mit ADHS den Bewegungsdrang ab. Eigentlich ist der Wirkstoff ein Stimulans, das heißt, es wirkt bei gesunden...
You might be bipolar if... -
You might be bipolar if... -
I talk a lot about having ADHD. Between this blog, Twitter, my own podcasts, and many that I’ve guested on, I find ADHD easy to talk about. And people are, for the most part, receptive to hearing
You might be bipolar if... -
Das Projekt
Das Projekt
Willkommen bei ADxS, der Name dieses Projektes, ist ein Kunstbegriff und steht für ADHS als Gesamtheit aller Subtypen (ADHS-HI, ADHS-C, ADHS-I)...
Das Projekt
Inselerbse (
Inselerbse (
Liebe Bubble, ich suche eine Anlaufstelle für die Diagnostik von AD(H)S bei Erwachsenen, möglichst in Norddeutschland. Bin seit Dezember auf einer Warteliste beim NPZ HH und der Leidensdruck wird größer. Bitte boosten, bin für jeden Tipp dankbar. #adhs
Inselerbse (
ADHS über die Lebensspanne – wenn der Zappelphilipp erwachsen wird on Vimeo
ADHS über die Lebensspanne – wenn der Zappelphilipp erwachsen wird on Vimeo
Die Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS) ist eine der häufigsten psychischen Erkrankungen im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Weniger bekannt ist aber, dass die betroffenen Kinder oft auch im Erwachsenenalter an Impulsivität, Depressionen, Aufmerksamkeitsstörungen und vielem anderen mehr leiden. Auf der anderen Seite gibt es kaum eine Erkrankung, über die mehr Mythen und Vorurteile existieren: „fake news“ überall! Wo die Gründe für diese Erkrankung zu suchen sind, wie man sie im Erwachsenenalter erkennt und vor allem richtig behandelt, werden Sie hier erfahren – aber auch, was der Autor des Struwwelpeters Heinrich Hoffmann mit der Psychiatrischen Universitätsklinik und der Paulskirche zu tun hat.
ADHS über die Lebensspanne – wenn der Zappelphilipp erwachsen wird on Vimeo
Humanizing the DSM Diagnosis for Autism » NeuroClastic
Humanizing the DSM Diagnosis for Autism » NeuroClastic
If you’ve spent any time wondering if you might be autistic, the first thing you probably did was examine the diagnostic criteria from the APA’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM), right? But when you read them they probably sounded really alien. “Oh,” you thought. “That’s not me!” The thing to remember is that these criteria […]
Humanizing the DSM Diagnosis for Autism » NeuroClastic
Neurodiverse or Neurodivergent? It’s more than just grammar
Neurodiverse or Neurodivergent? It’s more than just grammar
The language of neurodiversity has now been with us for some time. Judy Singer coined the word “neurodiversity” more than two decades ago, and Kassiane Asasumasu (formerly Kassiane Sibley) gave us the term “neurodivergent”º. However, the language of neurodiversity is still not being used in a standard way, neither in the community, nor in practice,…
Neurodiverse or Neurodivergent? It’s more than just grammar
ADHS → Behinderung
ADHS → Behinderung
Bei ADHS (früher ADHS und ADS) kann vom Versorgungsamt ein Grad der Behinderung (GdB) festgestellt werden, insbesondere wenn zusätzliche Beeinträchtigungen vorliegen, z.B. Teilleistungsschwächen. Wird ein GdB anerkannt, können bestimmte Hilfen und Nachteilsausgleiche in Anspruch genommen werden.
ADHS → Behinderung
TAP – Testbatterie zur Aufmerksamkeitsprüfung
TAP – Testbatterie zur Aufmerksamkeitsprüfung
Intakte Aufmerksamkeitsfunktionen sind eine grundlegende Voraussetzung für die allgemeine Leistungsfähigkeit des kognitiven Systems...Die Testbatterie zur Aufmerksamkeitsprüfung (TAP) bietet eine Sammlung unterschiedlicher Testverfahren, mit denen die vielfältigen Teilaspekte der Aufmerksamkeit differenziert erfasst werden können. Auch damit verbundene Aspekte der visuellen Wahrnehmung werden von der Testbatterie abgedeckt.
TAP – Testbatterie zur Aufmerksamkeitsprüfung
Cheryl :autism: (
Cheryl :autism: (
thoughts I had today: - a lot of people / families can be very understanding when it comes to #neurodivergent children, especially #autistic children and those with #ADHD (or both). they do understand that these people have different needs - however if these children are part of your own family, the understanding is often times gone. a need is suddenly not a need anymore but laziness or malevolence. - as we know, #autism and ADHD are genetic. a lot of times those accusations come from people who might be autistic or have adhd themselves. - these parents / uncles / aunts etc. have been judged by neurotypical standards themselves + they might not know they are neurodivergent themselves resulting in them thinking that neurodivergent traits are normal within their family. - they do not recognise needs and difficulties as such because they don’t know any different and because they have been judged by neurotypical standards nevertheless they still apply it to their children - with children and people outside of the family, it’s easier to have a certain understanding because people are observing them from the outside of their intimate relationships and homes, they so not feel personally attacked. - so if people are not the cycle breakers of their homes they have a hard time understanding their own family members, even with an official diagnosis.
Cheryl :autism: (
Are Mental Disorders Evolved Cognitive Styles? Neurodiversity advocates have argued as much for years
Are Mental Disorders Evolved Cognitive Styles? Neurodiversity advocates have argued as much for years
• The disease model of mental illness may have outlived its usefulness. • A new theory suggests that some mental disorders are evolved cognitive styles that benefit the group. • The neurodiversity movement has long advanced a similar vision.
Are Mental Disorders Evolved Cognitive Styles? Neurodiversity advocates have argued as much for years
The Evolution of ADHD – The advantages of wandering attention
The Evolution of ADHD – The advantages of wandering attention
• Psychologists have long debated whether ADHD is a deficit or a distinct cognitive style. • A recent review of the evidence suggests that ADHD traits might have helped early humans. • This evidence should prompt us to consider how we can change our educational systems to benefit, rather than hinder, this cognitive style.
The Evolution of ADHD – The advantages of wandering attention
New Insights Into Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria
New Insights Into Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria
Rejection sensitive dysphoria is one manifestation of emotional dysregulation, a common but misunderstood and under-researched symptom of ADHD in adults. Individuals with RSD feel “unbearable” pain as a result of perceived or actual rejection, teasing, or criticism that is not alleviated with cognitive or dialectical behavior therapy.
New Insights Into Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria