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Akzeptanz- und Commitmenttherapie ⓦ
Akzeptanz- und Commitmenttherapie ⓦ
… eine neuere Form der Psychotherapie, bei der klassische verhaltenstherapeutische Techniken mit achtsamkeits- und akzeptanzbasierten Strategien und mit Interventionen zur Werteklärung kombiniert werden und die statt auf Emotionsunterdrückung auf Emotionsakzeptanz in Form einer positiven Neubewertung negativer Emotionen abzielt. Der therapeutische Ansatz wurde maßgeblich von dem US-amerikanischen Psychologen Steven C. Hayes entwickelt und beruht auf dessen Bezugsrahmentheorie (Relational Frame Theory), einem kontextualistischen Erklärungsmodell für sprachlich-gedankliche Prozesse, welches eine Weiterentwicklung verhaltensanalytischer Erklärungsansätze skinnerscher Prägung darstellt.
Akzeptanz- und Commitmenttherapie ⓦ
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: A Transdiagnostic Behavioral Intervention for Mental Health and Medical Conditions
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: A Transdiagnostic Behavioral Intervention for Mental Health and Medical Conditions
Psychological interventions have a long history of successful treatment of patients suffering from mental health and certain medical conditions. At the same time, psychotherapy research has revealed key areas of growth for optimizing patient care. These ...
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: A Transdiagnostic Behavioral Intervention for Mental Health and Medical Conditions
ADHS und Wechseljahre
ADHS und Wechseljahre
ADHS bei Erwachsenen: Die Rolle der Hausärzte – Ein Weckruf für die Versorgung von Frauen in den Wechseljahren ADHS wird oft übersehen – besonders bei Erwachsenen.  Während die Störung meist mit hyperaktiven Kindern und Jugendlichen in...
ADHS und Wechseljahre
Find Your Voice Self-Advocacy Cards
Find Your Voice Self-Advocacy Cards
Find Your Voice is a family-driven initiative created by a team of neurodivergents: Designer Dad Steve, Early Years Educator Mom Tara, and their daughter, Miss A. Based in Melbourne, Australia, our journey began with a need—our daughter often experiences situational mutism, especially in high-stress environments, and we wanted to help her communicate more comfortably.
Find Your Voice Self-Advocacy Cards
Autistic People's Experience of Empathy and the Autistic Empathy Deficit Narrative | Autism in Adulthood
Autistic People's Experience of Empathy and the Autistic Empathy Deficit Narrative | Autism in Adulthood
Background: There is a dominant discourse, both in clinical texts and throughout the academic literature, that autistic people lack empathy; however, over the past decade, both clinicians and academics have increasingly rejected deficit-based descriptions of autism in favor of more nuanced explanations of the experience of autistic individuals in a social world. Methods: This study asked 76 autistic individuals about their own experience of empathy and the oft-cited empathy deficit. Data were thematically analyzed and revealed a wide array of empathic self-concepts among respondents. Results: Notably, there was a high proportion of hyper-empathic experiences. Many respondents reported their empathic responses to be overwhelming, or even distressing. These different experiences of empathy contrast with societal expectations of empathy, which often result in additional labor for autistic people as they navigate the non-autistic centered world. Conclusion: Although the academic literature is, in some areas, slowly moving away from a deficit perspective, more broadly there is still a negative impact from misconceptions around autistic people and empathy. Further work needs to be done to not only explore this misconception at a societal (rather than academic) level, but also better bridge the gap around the changing ideas of empathy and real-world understanding of autistic empathy.
Autistic People's Experience of Empathy and the Autistic Empathy Deficit Narrative | Autism in Adulthood
“I'm Human After All”: Autism, Trauma, and Affective Empathy
“I'm Human After All”: Autism, Trauma, and Affective Empathy
Academic literature has long associated autism with empathy deficits. Although this view has been attenuated over time to include only cognitive empathy, earlier perceptions continue to influence popular representations of autism and screening/diagnostic ...
“I'm Human After All”: Autism, Trauma, and Affective Empathy
Online Treffen der SHG “ADHS Autismus und andere Aliens im Spektrum” in Trägerschaft der Berliner Cannabis Hilfe (BCH)
Online Treffen der SHG “ADHS Autismus und andere Aliens im Spektrum” in Trägerschaft der Berliner Cannabis Hilfe (BCH)
Siehe auch: Termine und Veranstaltungen Der Berliner Cannabis-Hilfe trifft sich regelmäßig online. Bitte die Hinweise zu den Online Treffen und der Teilnahme via Google Meet beachten. Für den Austausch zwischen den Treffen: Einladungslink zur Signal Gruppe Menschen, die Beratung zum…
Online Treffen der SHG “ADHS Autismus und andere Aliens im Spektrum” in Trägerschaft der Berliner Cannabis Hilfe (BCH)
Agnosthesia – The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows
Agnosthesia – The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows
the state of not knowing how you really feel about something, which forces you to sift through clues hidden in your own behavior, as if you were some other person—noticing a twist of acid in your voice, an obscene amount of effort you put into something trifling, or an inexplicable weight on your shoulders that makes it difficult to get out of bed.
Agnosthesia – The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows
Autismus Dialog – das Kooperationsnetzwerk von Autistinnen und Autisten. Herausgeber des unabhängigen autismus magazin. Ehrlich. Authentisch. Auf Augenhöhe.
Risk factors associated with newly diagnosed attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in adults: a retrospective case-control study - BMC Psychiatry
Risk factors associated with newly diagnosed attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in adults: a retrospective case-control study - BMC Psychiatry
Background Knowledge of risk factors for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may facilitate early diagnosis; however, studies examining a broad range of potential risk factors for ADHD in adults are limited. This study aimed to identify risk factors associated with newly diagnosed ADHD among adults in the United States (US). Methods Eligible adults from the IQVIA PharMetrics® Plus database (10/01/2015-09/30/2021) were classified into the ADHD cohort if they had ≥ 2 ADHD diagnoses (index date: first ADHD diagnosis) and into the non-ADHD cohort if they had no observed ADHD diagnosis (index date: random date) with a 1:3 case-to-control ratio. Risk factors for newly diagnosed ADHD were assessed during the 12-month baseline period; logistic regression with stepwise variable selection was used to assess statistically significant association. The combined impact of selected risk factors was explored using common patient profiles. Results A total of 337,034 patients were included in the ADHD cohort (mean age 35.2 years; 54.5% female) and 1,011,102 in the non-ADHD cohort (mean age 44.0 years; 52.4% female). During the baseline period, the most frequent mental health comorbidities in the ADHD and non-ADHD cohorts were anxiety disorders (34.4% and 11.1%) and depressive disorders (27.9% and 7.8%). Accordingly, a higher proportion of patients in the ADHD cohort received antianxiety agents (20.6% and 8.3%) and antidepressants (40.9% and 15.8%). Key risk factors associated with a significantly increased probability of ADHD included the number of mental health comorbidities (odds ratio [OR] for 1 comorbidity: 1.41; ≥2 comorbidities: 1.45), along with certain mental health comorbidities (e.g., feeding and eating disorders [OR: 1.88], bipolar disorders [OR: 1.50], depressive disorders [OR: 1.37], trauma- and stressor-related disorders [OR: 1.27], anxiety disorders [OR: 1.24]), use of antidepressants (OR: 1.87) and antianxiety agents (OR: 1.40), and having ≥ 1 psychotherapy visit (OR: 1.70), ≥ 1 specialist visit (OR: 1.30), and ≥ 10 outpatient visits (OR: 1.51) (all p  0.05). The predicted risk of ADHD for patients with treated anxiety and depressive disorders was 81.9%. Conclusions Mental health comorbidities and related treatments are significantly associated with newly diagnosed ADHD in US adults. Screening for patients with risk factors for ADHD may allow early diagnosis and appropriate management.
Risk factors associated with newly diagnosed attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in adults: a retrospective case-control study - BMC Psychiatry
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children: more focus on care and support, less on diagnosis
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children: more focus on care and support, less on diagnosis
ADHD diagnoses continue to increase, but Luise Kazda and colleagues argue that the push for diagnosis could be hampering access to care and support for children ### Key messages The prevalence of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children has been rising for several decades,1234 including in countries with previously low rates.5 In Germany, for example, the prevalence of ADHD in children rose by 77% over 10 years, from 2.2% in 2004 to 3.8% in 2013.6 Enhanced awareness of mental wellbeing and neurodiversity during the covid-19 pandemic has led to a change in public discourse around ADHD.78 Highly viewed videos on social media describe a variety of ADHD symptoms and encourage viewers to seek diagnostic evaluation.8910 Many of the most highly viewed TikTok videos (the #adhd hashtag stands at over 30 billion views) are easy to understand and relatable, but most provide content created by non-healthcare professionals that is often misleading or wrong,10 which can lead to “unrealistic expectations.”8 Diagnosis of ADHD, however, depends on an assessment of the frequency and severity of hyperactive and inattentive behaviours that exist on a …
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children: more focus on care and support, less on diagnosis
ADHD: Overdiagnosed and overtreated, or misdiagnosed and mistreated?
ADHD: Overdiagnosed and overtreated, or misdiagnosed and mistreated?
In today’s changing medical climate, physicians need to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) better and more cost-effectively. The authors review recommendations supported by recent research and offer simple practices that integrate medicine and behavioral health for patients with ADHD.
ADHD: Overdiagnosed and overtreated, or misdiagnosed and mistreated?
Folgen von ADHS
Folgen von ADHS
Review: Dipl.-Psych. Waldemar Zdero Unbehandeltes ADHS hat nicht nur akute Verhaltenssymptome, sondern zeigt massive langfristige Folgen, die oft das ge...
Folgen von ADHS