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Emotional and sensory dysregulation as a possible missing link in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: A review
Emotional and sensory dysregulation as a possible missing link in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: A review
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common developmental disorder affecting 5-7% of adults and children. We surveyed the literature to examine ADHD through three pillars: developmental characteristics, symptomatology, and treatment strategies. ...
Emotional and sensory dysregulation as a possible missing link in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: A review
Neurodivergenz - Ein anderes Licht
Neurodivergenz - Ein anderes Licht
ADHS / Autismus ist häufig ganz anders als man es so denkt. Gerade auf der emotionalen Ebene.
Neurodivergenz - Ein anderes Licht
ADHS bei Erwachsenen: Hoffnung durch neuen Therapieansatz
ADHS bei Erwachsenen: Hoffnung durch neuen Therapieansatz
Immer mehr Erwachsene bekommen die Diagnose ADHS. Hoffnung verspricht jetzt ein neuer Therapieansatz. Ihre Forschungsergebnisse dazu stellt Lenka Staun, Leiterin der Hochschulambulanz der International Psychoanalytical University in Berlin, in den Wissenswerten vor. Von Jessica Wiener
ADHS bei Erwachsenen: Hoffnung durch neuen Therapieansatz
Home | guardianofmind
Home | guardianofmind
Guardian of Mind. Hast du dich auch schon immer wie ein Alien gefühlt? Wurdest du früher auch gemobbt, weil du anders bist? Du navigierst dich irgendwie durchs Leben, aber hast immer noch das Gefühl, noch nicht "angekommen" zu sein? Du fühlst dich außerdem meist, als würde eine gläserne Scheibe zwischen dir und anderen Menschen bestehen? Und von deinem Selbstwert wollen wir auch gar nicht erst anf
Home | guardianofmind
Wir müssen reden - Das Double Empathy Problem
Wir müssen reden - Das Double Empathy Problem
Ein geschichtlicher Abriss Seit den ersten Definitionen und Diagnosen des Autismus haben sich wissenschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Perspektiven auf autistische Menschen erheblich verändert. Ursprünglich wurde Autismus vor allem durch Defizite in der sozialen Interaktion und Kommunikation beschrie
Wir müssen reden - Das Double Empathy Problem
Exploring the Intriguing Connection Between Synaesthesia and Autism
Exploring the Intriguing Connection Between Synaesthesia and Autism
What colour is math? Have you ever tasted the number 8? Can you recall the smell of your favourite word? If you answered 'yes' to any of the above, you may have synaesthesia.S ynaesthesia and autism are two fascinating phenomena that have captured the attention of researchers and individuals alike.
Exploring the Intriguing Connection Between Synaesthesia and Autism
“I Feel for You”: Living with Mirror-Touch Synaesthesia
“I Feel for You”: Living with Mirror-Touch Synaesthesia
“I feel for you” is a saying often used to show empathy for others, but for Mirror-Touch synaesthetes like Adrian Miles, it’s their literal experience.Mirror-Touch Synaesthesia (MTS) is a rare form of synaesthesia which causes individuals to experience a similar sensation (such as pain or touch) in the same part or opposite part of the body to that they witness in another person. Adrian Miles only learnt a name for the intense embodiment of others they experience much later in life, following decades of mental and physical intrusions.This is Adrian’s story.
“I Feel for You”: Living with Mirror-Touch Synaesthesia
A decade of aphantasia research: what we've learned about people who can't visualize
A decade of aphantasia research: what we've learned about people who can't visualize
People who can't visualize an image in their mind's eye are less likely to remember the details of important past personal events or to recognize faces, according to a review of nearly ten years of research. People who cannot bring to mind visual imagery are also less likely to experience imagery of other kinds, like imagining music, according to new research by the academic who first discovered the phenomenon.
A decade of aphantasia research: what we've learned about people who can't visualize
Association Between Atopic Dermatitis and Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Systematic Review
Association Between Atopic Dermatitis and Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Systematic Review
Overall, the results of this systematic review seem to reveal an association between ASD and AD, suggesting that subjects with ASD have an increased risk of presenting with AD compared with typically developing controls, and vice versa. This association is supported by clinical/epidemiological aspec …
Association Between Atopic Dermatitis and Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Systematic Review
Effects of Music on Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Potential Application in Serious Video Games: Systematic Review
Effects of Music on Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Potential Application in Serious Video Games: Systematic Review
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has a considerable impact on an individual’s daily life. Some difficulties with timing deficits may be associated with deficiencies in attention, reading, language skills, or executive function. ...
Effects of Music on Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Potential Application in Serious Video Games: Systematic Review