The ADHD diagnosis to Autism diagnosis pipeline is real!
The ADHD diagnosis to Autism diagnosis pipeline is real! The ADHD self identify to Autism self identify and self diagnosed pipeline is also real. (i will never forget y'all in my advocasy i promise 🥹) Both my child and I were diagnosed with ADHD first and then Autism. In fact it was our adhd medications managing our hyperactivity that led to our Autism to shine bright like a diamond! You couldn't miss it!
ADHS und Autismus
Laut einer aktuellen Meta-Analyse liegt die Häufigkeit von ADHS bei Personen mit ASS zwischen 50-70%. Zudem wurde in einer neueren Studie festgestellt, dass etwa 13% der Kinder, die mit ADHS diagnostiziert wurden, auch eine ASS-Diagnose erhielten. Bis 2013 "durften" die beiden Diagnosen aber gar nicht zusammen gestellt werden.
ADHS und Autismus -
ADHS und Autismus Die Abkürzung von Autismus-Spektrumstörung ist ASS. Spektrumstörung bedeutet, dass es fließende Grenzen gibt zwischen einer Normvariante mit nur bestimmten Persönlichkeitszügen bis hin zu schweren Krankheitsbildern mit ausgeprägter Symptomatik – also ein Kontinuum […]
ADHD Test: Do I Have ADD? Symptoms in Adults
Do I have ADD? Take this ADHD test to assess whether attention deficit hyperactivity disorder explains your symptoms of emotional dysregulation, disorganization, hypersensitivity, lack of productivity, poor memory, and struggles with money and with work. Share the results with a mental health care professional for evaluation.
"I'm Waging a Civil War Inside My Brain"
ADHD is a perplexing, frustrating, and disruptive condition still too often questioned and misunderstood. We are smart, people say. We just need to try harder or stop procrastinating. If only it were that easy. Here's the truth about why we can't always do what is good for us.
Genes Behind Increased Chance of Autism, ADHD (or Both) Identified
There is a large degree of overlap between the genetic causes of autism and ADHD. Now, researchers from Aarhus University have found gene variants, which increase the risk of developing only one of the diagnoses and not the /br /
stray autistic pariah-cat (
#Autistics and #ADHD people: What are your most liked autistic-centered (or ADHD-centered) websites (created and edited by autistics and/or ADHDers) that have informative, well-sourced and thoughtful articles about autism, ADHD, and neurodiversity? #actuallyautistic #adhd
Sensory Processing Sensitivity (SPS)
→ highly sensitive person (HSP) … a temperamental or personality trait involving "an increased sensitivity of the central nervous system and a deeper cognitive processing of physical, social, and emotional stimuli".
→ [Hochsensibilität (auch: Hypersensibilität oder Hochsensitivität) →
is a temperamental or personality trait involving "an increased sensitivity of the central nervous system and a deeper cognitive processing of physical, social, and emotional stimuli".