The #ActuallyAutistic hashtag was created as an alternative to the #autism hashtag to be for blogs or blog posts created by autistic people. How the ActuallyAutistic hashtag is used on the Art of Autism | The Art of Autism A common question from those new to the ActuallyAutistic hashtag is: “is it inclusive of self-diagnosis?” Yes, […]
PD Dr. med. Mandy Roy auf LinkedIn: #adhs #adhsdiagnose #diagnosebagatellisierung | 46 Kommentare
"Plötzlich haben alle Abhängigen auch eine ADHS..." Diese Aussage, mal so eben dahingeworfen, musste sich eine meiner Patientinnen in einer… | 46 Kommentare auf LinkedIn
PD Dr. med. Mandy Roy auf LinkedIn: #adhs #adhsdiagnose #diagnosebagatellisierung | 46 Kommentare
"Plötzlich haben alle Abhängigen auch eine ADHS..." Diese Aussage, mal so eben dahingeworfen, musste sich eine meiner Patientinnen in einer… | 46 Kommentare auf LinkedIn
Aahh mein Kopf rattert grade. Deshalb sorry for the spam. Ich hatte grad ne Nachricht geschrieben und wollte enden mit: „Welcome to the neurodivergent Family“ und da ist mir ein Zitat von Stitch,...
🌈♿️ Mutual Aid and Human-Centered Learning for Neurodivergent and Disabled People
Real Help Against the OnslaughtWe exist for the direct support and mutual aid of neurodivergent and disabled people. We, Stimpunks 🧭 Our Mission: Real Help Against the Onslaught Stimpunks is created by and for neurodivergent and disabled people. We provide mutual aid, creator grants, learning opportunities, human-centered research, and living wages for our community. We presume competence. We believe in self-determination. We, […]
A Story When I was 14, I watched a BBC science documentary. The narrator said that scientists had discovered some people who seemed to have cross-wired senses. They could hear in colour, taste...
Amanda ( ( on Threads
I'm autistic, I use /genuine as a tone tag to attempt to communicate I am *actually* *literally* being genuine. A LOT of people take autistic peoples questions and search for understanding as being...
@zate You’re occupying your brain’s task mode network so that your default mode network can freely work on a problem that needs creativity.
AuDHS Spätis on Instagram: "In der letzten Woche durfte ich für die Peers im ZAK Hannover einen online Vortrag über AuDHS halten und ich habe bei der Vorbereitung einige interessante neue Infos gefunden, die ich mit euch teilen möchte. Was ich nicht gefunden habe: Eine wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit der Wechselwirkung zwischen AS und ADHS. Überlegungen zu Konzepten (was ich sehr hilfreich fände, aber so erarbeite ich mir mein Konzept eben selbst…) sogar in einer extra Broschüre für Menschen mit beiden Diagnosen wird darauf nicht eingegangen. Fachbücher erwähnen das gemeinsame Auftreten, mehr aber auch nicht. Andererseits gibt es einige Personen/ Social Media Accounts, die sich damit beschäftigen - und von den Expert*innen kritisiert werden, was ich nicht nachvollziehen kann. Ich wünsche mir da auch, mehr ernst genommen zu werden, es ist dringend notwendig. Was denkt ihr? !B #AuDHS #ADHSautismus #AuDHD #neurodivergenz #neurodivergent #spätdiagnostiziert #differentnotless"
1,469 likes, 168 comments - the_neurodivengers on April 28, 2024: "In der letzten Woche durfte ich für die Peers im ZAK Hannover einen online Vortrag über AuDHS halten und ich habe bei der Vorbereitung ...".
Creating Autistic Suffering: The AuDHD Burnout to Psychosis Cycle- A deeper look - Emergent Divergence
This article was co-authored by Tanya Adkin and David Gray-Hammond Monotropism is a theory of autism. It is used interchangeably as a theory and also a trait that describes a style of attention. It suggests that Autistic people tend to have singular but highly detailed tunnels of attention, as opposed to spreading their attentional resources
There's a misconception that Autistic and ADHD people can't be self-aware but many of us become hyper self-aware as a coping mechanism. Thanks to our pattern recognition skills, we notice patterns...
One of the reason that different autistic people can have strikingly different support needs is that autism very often co-occurs with other physical and mental health issues. This constellation of...
In contrast to the widespread myth that autistic people lack emotions, many people on the autism spectrum experience emotions very deeply. This is particularly evident when an autistic person is...
The systems set up for disabled people are not disability friendly. Accessibility is more than just wheelchair ramps, folks. It's plain language on required forms. It's reminders of important...
neurodivergent community Who recognizes this? I’m Late Diagnosed ADHD, after using Vyanse / Elvanse I found out I also was autistic. Very curious to hear who recognizes this.
I don't know who needs to see this, but stomach issues are EXTREMELY common in autistic people. Some studies have found that up to 91% of autistic people have stomach issues (like constipation,...
🌙💤 Eine Einschlaflatenz von über 30 Minuten kann ein Warnsignal sein! Studien zeigen, dass Kinder, die lange zum Einschlafen brauchen, später häufiger psychische Probleme entwickeln bzw. es mit ADHS...
Schon gewusst? Hot und cold EF : Kalte Exekutivfunktionen 🧠 konzentrieren sich auf Logik, wie Planung, und sind mit dem dorsolateralen präfrontalen Cortex verbunden. Heiße Exekutivfunktionen ❤️...
adhd is more than an attention deficit. While hyperactivity is not always present, the diagnostic criteria for ADHD often ignore emotional dysregulation. In this lecture, Dr. Dodson discusses the...
I am more spatially invested. We had encyclopedias when I was growing up, and if I couldn't remember something, or even if I could, I could tell you or show you exactly where I read it: which book,...
The Representation of Semantic Information Across Human Cerebral Cortex During Listening Versus Reading Is Invariant to Stimulus Modality | Journal of Neuroscience
An integral part of human language is the capacity to extract meaning from spoken and written words, but the precise relationship between brain representations of information perceived by listening versus reading is unclear. Prior neuroimaging studies have shown that semantic information in spoken language is represented in multiple regions in the human cerebral cortex, while amodal semantic information appears to be represented in a few broad brain regions. However, previous studies were too insensitive to determine whether semantic representations were shared at a fine level of detail rather than merely at a coarse scale. We used fMRI to record brain activity in two separate experiments while participants listened to or read several hours of the same narrative stories, and then created voxelwise encoding models to characterize semantic selectivity in each voxel and in each individual participant. We find that semantic tuning during listening and reading are highly correlated in most semantically selective regions of cortex, and models estimated using one modality accurately predict voxel responses in the other modality. These results suggest that the representation of language semantics is independent of the sensory modality through which the semantic information is received. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Humans can comprehend the meaning of words from both spoken and written language. It is therefore important to understand the relationship between the brain representations of spoken or written text. Here, we show that although the representation of semantic information in the human brain is quite complex, the semantic representations evoked by listening versus reading are almost identical. These results suggest that the representation of language semantics is independent of the sensory modality through which the semantic information is received.
hat.talks - AuDHD Speech & Language Therapist 🌈🧠 on Instagram: "As an AuDHDer I’m a walking, talking contradiction 🫠 Here’s some examples of the tug of war I experience within the two neurotypes. Both of them want different things and it can be very hard to balance out the needs for each 😮💨 For me, I cannot talk about autism without taking about ADHD, and vice versa. Because autism is so heavily influenced by ADHD for me and vice versa. Understanding AuDHD and how this can present is so key for developing assessment pathways and support that capture both experiences together! #AuDHD #AutismADHD #AutisticADHD #AutisticWomen #ADHDWomen #AutismAcceptance #AutismAwareness #AutismAcceptanceMonth #AutismAwarenessMonth #CelebrateNeurodiversity #AutismAssessment #ADHDAssessment"
4,538 likes, 83 comments - on April 8, 2024: "As an AuDHDer I’m a walking, talking contradiction 🫠 Here’s some examples of the tug of war I experience within the two neurotype...".
The psychiatry and psychology fields, including medicalization of disability, are rooted in colonialism. They originated as tools to detect “symptoms” that were used to Other and institutionalize as...
ADHS wird häufig von psychischen Krankheiten begleitet, die die Neurodiversität verhüllen. Welche Begleiterkrankungen am häufigsten sind, erfahren Sie hier.
Quellen-Sammlung zu ADHS-Fakten - Community / Community-Content - ADHS-Forum
Hier eine Sammlung zu Fakten inklusive Quellen zum Thema ADHS, die ich in Podcasts, auf Facebook oder Instagram verwende. Verschiedene Studien kommen manchmal zu verschiedenen Ergebnissen, daher ist es möglich, dass sich die Angaben widersprechen. Diagnose 90% der betroffenen Erwachsenen und 40% der Kinder bleiben undiagnostiziert (Dr Russell Barkley Burnett Lecture 2012, YouTube, eingesehen 2024-03-16) Die Wahrscheinlichkeit auch von ADHS betroffen zu sein liegt bei bis zu 90% wenn beide Elt...