Gerade im Einzel die Differentialdiagnose diskutiert : Warst du eher introvertiert 🤫 oder lag ADHS vom unaufmerksamen Subtyp (plus SCT/CDD?) vor und führte dazu, stiller und zurückgezogen zu werden?...
Do autistic people have a “slow processing speed” or are we simply processing more information? Studies show that autistic people process approximately 42% more information at rest than allistic...
Me, while researching autism: "I don't stim. I've never been figety!" YouTuber: "you can also have auditory stims." Me: (thinking about how music causes a physical reaction in me, and how I always...
Behaviorist education is ableist education. When I was a little girl, I was autistic. And when you’re autistic, it’s not abuse. It’s therapy. Quiet Hands | Just Stimming… References
Gastrointestinal dysfunction in autism spectrum disorder: the role of the mitochondria and the enteric microbiome
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) affects a significant number of individuals worldwide with the prevalence continuing to grow. It is becoming clear that a large subgroup of individuals with ASD demonstrate abnormalities in mitochondrial function as well ...
NeleDivergent ADHS | Autismus (@neledivergent) on Threads
Kleiner Reminder an alle kranken und behinderten Menschen: 🔻Wir schulden niemandem Content, in dem wir unser Leid zur Schau stellen. 🔻Wir Schulden niemandem kostenlose Aufklärung. 🔻Wir Schulden...
Just a few years ago, I shared with others that I thought my ADHD medication was bringing out expressions of Autism and I was disregarded by many professionals and peers. As more information comes...
Autism and anarchy: Real autistic community is a class community - Freedom News
Ablism is rooted in the fact that it delivers for some people, that it gathers energy unto itself and uses this like a squatting parasite to reproduce itself.
A Clinician's Guide to Supporting Autistic Clients: Over 100 Treatment Recommendations and Interventions for Creating a Neurodiversity-Affirming Practic a book by Amy Marschall
Das Syndrom ist eine "ganz besondere Art zu sein", sagt eine Expertin. Dazu gehören Konzentrationsschwierigkeiten und Dünnhäutigkeit, aber auch Hyperfokus und kreatives Potenzial
They're probably kinda the same as there is so much overlap between the 2. At least 50 % of people with ADHD has autism. The other way around even more. There is discussion if they aren't just part...
Große schwedische Studie zeigt: 7,5% der Personen mit ADHS haben eine diagnostizierte Schlafstörung - im Vergleich zu nur 1,5% ohne ADHS. Das ist ein 8-fach höheres Risiko. 😴🔍 Zudem bekamen 47,5% der...
I invite you to Google ADHD and trauma symptoms overlap. Each and every venn diagram has a ✨different set✨ of things overlapping. Once again, I think these list are made by outside observation...
Autistic individuals have increased risk of chronic physical health conditions across the whole body
Autistic people have higher rates of chronic physical health conditions across the whole body and are more likely to have complex health needs, according to a study led by researchers at the University of Cambridge. Their findings, published in the journal Molecular Autism, have important implications for the clinical care of autistic people.
Hochsensible Menschen nehmen Reize intensiver wahr als andere. Das kann schnell zur Reizüberflutung führen. Lesen Sie mehr über die Entstehung von Hochsensibilität, deren "Symptome" sowie Tipps für das Alltagsleben mit der Überempfindlichkeit!
ADHS und Autismus Die Abkürzung von Autismus-Spektrumstörung ist ASS. Spektrumstörung bedeutet, dass es fließende Grenzen gibt zwischen einer Normvariante mit nur bestimmten Persönlichkeitszügen bis hin zu schweren Krankheitsbildern mit ausgeprägter Symptomatik – also ein Kontinuum […]
Do I have ADD? Take this ADHD test to assess whether attention deficit hyperactivity disorder explains your symptoms of emotional dysregulation, disorganization, hypersensitivity, lack of productivity, poor memory, and struggles with money and with work. Share the results with a mental health care professional for evaluation.
My Teeth grinding really badly right 😭😭 Do you know common co-presentations with Autism Teeth grinding tinnitus bruxism -teeth grinding restless leg syndrome autoimmune disease Eds...
Neurofeedback und ADHS (genauere Erklärung wie das genau funktioniert weiter unten) Neurofeedback ist eine nicht-invasive Methode, bei der deine Gehirnaktivität in Echtzeit überwacht wird. Durch das...