Diversity equity inclusion dei das gegenteil von diversitat gleichheit und inklusion
ADHD Isn’t a Trauma Response
I am inundated with Instagram ads telling me that “ADHD is not laziness, it’s a trauma response.” Well actually, it's neither! These falsehoods are so popular, yet so wrong.
Autismus » Michael Nehls
Ein systemischer Erklärungsansatz und zugleich eine Präventions- und Behandlungsstrategie - Hoffnung für Autisten?
Exploring a Connection Between ADHD and Alzheimer’s | BrightFocus Foundation
New research has shed light on the connection between ADHD and Alzheimer’s, including a first-of-its-kind study that suggests people who had ADHD as children may be more likely to develop Alzheimer’s as adults.
Lone Wolfing: The Joys of Autistic Solitude
Being solitary is being alone well: being alone luxuriously immersed in doings of your own choice, aware of the fullness of your own presence rather than of the absence of others. Because solitude is an achievement. Alice Koller It is commonly held that autistic people are lonelier than non-autistic people. This is believed to be […]
Das solltest du über ADHS wissen
“Reiß dich doch einfach mal zusammen und konzentrier dich!” So einfach ist das leider nicht. Im Gegenteil: ADHS ist ziemlich komplex.
Was alle über ADHS und ADHS-Medikamente wissen sollten
"Lass das Kind sein, wie es ist und gib keine gefährlichen ADHS-Medikamente!" Dieser Kommentar hat mich so geärgert, dass ich gebloggt habe. Ausführlich …
You Might Not Recover from Burnout. Ever.
What grows from the ashes of your old life?
Autism diagnosis: The best $500 I ever spent
My rule-following autistic brain wouldn’t allow me to think of myself as really autistic until someone officially diagnosed me as such.
The Neurodiversity Smorgasbord: An Alternative Framework for Understanding Differences Outside of Diagnostic Labels — Lived Experience Educator
Before I introduce The Neurodiversity Smorgasbord, I would like to acknowledge that this framework which I started to develop in 2022 has been inspired, shaped, influenced by movements that have come before as well as Mad, Disabled and Neurodivergent Indigenous and Black scholars, thinkers, writers
Its just Autism, What are you scared of?
The Autism Integration Paradox
ADHS und Wechseljahre
ADHS bei Erwachsenen: Die Rolle der Hausärzte – Ein Weckruf für die Versorgung von Frauen in den Wechseljahren ADHS wird oft übersehen – besonders bei Erwachsenen. Während die Störung meist mit hyperaktiven Kindern und Jugendlichen in...
Please stop calling yourself an HSP. 😫
Hyper sensitivity is real, but the term HSP dehumanizes autistic people.
The Best Jobs for People with ADHD
There are many types of jobs and work environments in which the unique traits and symptoms of ADHD can help you succeed.
Takiwātanga – in your own time and space
Education Access: We’ve Turned Classrooms Into a Hell for Neurodivergence
We have autistic children who need us to support them as architects of their own liberation against the schools and clinicians and institutions and police and prosecutors who would crush and destroy them. AUTISTIC HOYA: THE NEURODIVERSITY MOVEMENTS NEEDS ITS SHOES OFF, AND FISTS UP. The picture shows a school classroom as I see it, […]
ADHS im Erwachsenenalter: Ein Leben, das unmöglich schien
Unsere Autorin hatte viele Jahre lang Depressionen. Bis sie erkennt, dass diese nur eine Folge sind: von ADHS.
Eine späte Diagnose: ADHS und die Perspektiven of Color
Wenn Matze im Unterricht nicht mitkommt, muss man das mal checken lassen. Wenn Malik das gleiche Verhalten zeigt, wird die Sache nicht ernst genommen.
Nebensymptome bei einer ADHS – Folgen einer unerkannten ADHS – Besonderheiten von ADHS bei Frauen
Nebensymptome bei einer ADHS – Folgen einer unerkannten ADHS – Besonderheiten von ADHS bei Frauen
“I Feel for You”: Living with Mirror-Touch Synaesthesia
“I feel for you” is a saying often used to show empathy for others, but for Mirror-Touch synaesthetes like Adrian Miles, it’s their literal experience.Mirror-Touch Synaesthesia (MTS) is a rare form of synaesthesia which causes individuals to experience a similar sensation (such as pain or touch) in the same part or opposite part of the body to that they witness in another person. Adrian Miles only learnt a name for the intense embodiment of others they experience much later in life, following decades of mental and physical intrusions.This is Adrian’s story.
Establishing Workplace Adjustments: How I Learned to Advocate for My Autistic Needs
Written by Justine Field Being diagnosed Autistic at the age of 48 gave me a new understanding of myself that […]
Common pathogenetic traits of atopic dermatitis and autism spectrum disorders, potential connections and treatments: trivial Th2 inflammation or much more?
Autism: I was diagnosed at 60
The onset of the coronavirus pandemic took its toll on journalist Sue Nelson. Exhausted by covering the crisis, she received a life-changing diagnosis at 60 – she was autistic.
Unsichtbare Barrieren: Autismus im Erwachsenenalter
Autismus bleibt oft unentdeckt: Über die Auswirkungen auf das tägliche Leben und warum es zu wenig Diagnosestellen gibt.
How Autistic Individuals Adapt to a Neurotypical World
Autistic individuals align their behavior with social expectations, at a cost.
Subklinisches ADHS und Autismus-Spektrum bei Mädchen und Frauen
Subklinisches ADHS und Autismus-Spektrum bei Mädchen: Der problematische Umgang mit Cutoff-Scores ADHS und Autismus sind komplexe Spektrumstörungen, die sich in vielfältigen Symptomen äußern. Besonders bei Mädchen kann es zu subklinischen (unterhalb des diagnostischen Schwellenwerts liegenden) Sympt
BigLaw firm introduces coaching and support for lawyers who have ADHD
The ABA Journal is read by half of the nation's 1 million lawyers every month. It covers the trends, people and finances of the legal profession from Wall Street to Main Street to Pennsylvania Avenue.
Arbeit: Worauf es Menschen im Autismus-Spektrum am Arbeitsplatz ankommt | ze.tt
Viele Autist*innen sind arbeitslos. Das liegt in der Regel nicht an mangelnder Qualifikation, sondern an Barrieren in der Arbeitswelt. Expertinnen berichten, worin diese Barrieren bestehen und wie sie sich beheben lassen.
'Neural noise' could be a hidden advantage of the autistic mind
Recent research reveals that the 'neural noise' often seen in autistic brains may enhance their cognitive performance in certain tasks.
The sudden rise of AuDHD: what is behind the rocketing rates of this life-changing diagnosis?
Just over a decade ago, autism and ADHD were thought to be mutually exclusive. But in recent years, all that has changed