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Lone Wolfing: The Joys of Autistic Solitude
Lone Wolfing: The Joys of Autistic Solitude
Being solitary is being alone well: being alone luxuriously immersed in doings of your own choice, aware of the fullness of your own presence rather than of the absence of others. Because solitude is an achievement.  Alice Koller It is commonly held that autistic people are lonelier than non-autistic people. This is believed to be […]
Lone Wolfing: The Joys of Autistic Solitude
The Neurodiversity Smorgasbord: An Alternative Framework for Understanding Differences Outside of Diagnostic Labels — Lived Experience Educator
The Neurodiversity Smorgasbord: An Alternative Framework for Understanding Differences Outside of Diagnostic Labels — Lived Experience Educator
Before I introduce The Neurodiversity Smorgasbord, I would like to acknowledge that this framework which I started to develop in 2022 has been inspired, shaped, influenced by movements that have come before as well as Mad, Disabled and Neurodivergent Indigenous and Black scholars, thinkers, writers
The Neurodiversity Smorgasbord: An Alternative Framework for Understanding Differences Outside of Diagnostic Labels — Lived Experience Educator
ADHS und Wechseljahre
ADHS und Wechseljahre
ADHS bei Erwachsenen: Die Rolle der Hausärzte – Ein Weckruf für die Versorgung von Frauen in den Wechseljahren ADHS wird oft übersehen – besonders bei Erwachsenen.  Während die Störung meist mit hyperaktiven Kindern und Jugendlichen in...
ADHS und Wechseljahre
Education Access: We’ve Turned Classrooms Into a Hell for Neurodivergence
Education Access: We’ve Turned Classrooms Into a Hell for Neurodivergence
We have autistic children who need us to support them as architects of their own liberation against the schools and clinicians and institutions and police and prosecutors who would crush and destroy them. AUTISTIC HOYA: THE NEURODIVERSITY MOVEMENTS NEEDS ITS SHOES OFF, AND FISTS UP. The picture shows a school classroom as I see it, […]
Education Access: We’ve Turned Classrooms Into a Hell for Neurodivergence
“I Feel for You”: Living with Mirror-Touch Synaesthesia
“I Feel for You”: Living with Mirror-Touch Synaesthesia
“I feel for you” is a saying often used to show empathy for others, but for Mirror-Touch synaesthetes like Adrian Miles, it’s their literal experience.Mirror-Touch Synaesthesia (MTS) is a rare form of synaesthesia which causes individuals to experience a similar sensation (such as pain or touch) in the same part or opposite part of the body to that they witness in another person. Adrian Miles only learnt a name for the intense embodiment of others they experience much later in life, following decades of mental and physical intrusions.This is Adrian’s story.
“I Feel for You”: Living with Mirror-Touch Synaesthesia
Subklinisches ADHS und Autismus-Spektrum bei Mädchen und Frauen
Subklinisches ADHS und Autismus-Spektrum bei Mädchen und Frauen
Subklinisches ADHS und Autismus-Spektrum bei Mädchen: Der problematische Umgang mit Cutoff-Scores ADHS und Autismus sind komplexe Spektrumstörungen, die sich in vielfältigen Symptomen äußern. Besonders bei Mädchen kann es zu subklinischen (unterhalb des diagnostischen Schwellenwerts liegenden) Sympt
Subklinisches ADHS und Autismus-Spektrum bei Mädchen und Frauen