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Suicide risk is high, but often overlooked, in autistic spectrum disorder populations
Suicide risk is high, but often overlooked, in autistic spectrum disorder populations
Self-Harm Significantly Higher in Populations with ADHD, Anxiety, ASD, Depression, and Eating Disorders. I appreciated your recent paper on the large and well-matched studies on nonfatal self-harm an...
completed suicide risk for ASD without an intellectual disability was 8.13 times that of neurotypicals
Suicide risk is high, but often overlooked, in autistic spectrum disorder populations
Is Camouflaging Autistic Traits Associated with Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviours? Expanding the Interpersonal Psychological Theory of Suicide in an Undergraduate Student Sample - PubMed
Is Camouflaging Autistic Traits Associated with Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviours? Expanding the Interpersonal Psychological Theory of Suicide in an Undergraduate Student Sample - PubMed
The current study explored whether people who camouflage autistic traits are more likely to experience thwarted belongingness and suicidality, as predicted by the Interpersonal Psychological Theory of Suicide (IPTS). 160 undergraduate students (86.9% female, 18-23 years) completed a cross-sectional …
Is Camouflaging Autistic Traits Associated with Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviours? Expanding the Interpersonal Psychological Theory of Suicide in an Undergraduate Student Sample - PubMed