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Autism and memory
Autism and memory
The relationship between autism and memory, specifically memory functions in relation to Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is an ongoing topic of research. ASD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterised by social communication and interaction impairments, along with restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior. In this article, the word autism is used to refer to the whole range of conditions on the autism spectrum, which are not uncommon.[1]
Autism and memory
Wir mĂŒssen reden - Das Double Empathy Problem
Wir mĂŒssen reden - Das Double Empathy Problem
Ein geschichtlicher Abriss Seit den ersten Definitionen und Diagnosen des Autismus haben sich wissenschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Perspektiven auf autistische Menschen erheblich verĂ€ndert. UrsprĂŒnglich wurde Autismus vor allem durch Defizite in der sozialen Interaktion und Kommunikation beschrie
Wir mĂŒssen reden - Das Double Empathy Problem
Exploring the Intriguing Connection Between Synaesthesia and Autism
Exploring the Intriguing Connection Between Synaesthesia and Autism
What colour is math? Have you ever tasted the number 8? Can you recall the smell of your favourite word? If you answered 'yes' to any of the above, you may have synaesthesia.S ynaesthesia and autism are two fascinating phenomena that have captured the attention of researchers and individuals alike.
Exploring the Intriguing Connection Between Synaesthesia and Autism
“I Feel for You”: Living with Mirror-Touch Synaesthesia
“I Feel for You”: Living with Mirror-Touch Synaesthesia
“I feel for you” is a saying often used to show empathy for others, but for Mirror-Touch synaesthetes like Adrian Miles, it’s their literal experience.Mirror-Touch Synaesthesia (MTS) is a rare form of synaesthesia which causes individuals to experience a similar sensation (such as pain or touch) in the same part or opposite part of the body to that they witness in another person. Adrian Miles only learnt a name for the intense embodiment of others they experience much later in life, following decades of mental and physical intrusions.This is Adrian’s story.
“I Feel for You”: Living with Mirror-Touch Synaesthesia
A decade of aphantasia research: what we've learned about people who can't visualize
A decade of aphantasia research: what we've learned about people who can't visualize
People who can't visualize an image in their mind's eye are less likely to remember the details of important past personal events or to recognize faces, according to a review of nearly ten years of research. People who cannot bring to mind visual imagery are also less likely to experience imagery of other kinds, like imagining music, according to new research by the academic who first discovered the phenomenon.
A decade of aphantasia research: what we've learned about people who can't visualize
Association Between Atopic Dermatitis and Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Systematic Review
Association Between Atopic Dermatitis and Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Systematic Review
Overall, the results of this systematic review seem to reveal an association between ASD and AD, suggesting that subjects with ASD have an increased risk of presenting with AD compared with typically developing controls, and vice versa. This association is supported by clinical/epidemiological aspec 

Association Between Atopic Dermatitis and Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Systematic Review
Autism and 

Autism and 

Autistic folk often have a lot of other stuff they are dealing with. You can think of it as “Autism and
” because that is the reality for most of us. Here is a list of “some” of the more common ones.

  • Deaf
  • Misophonia
  • Prosopagnosia
  • Alexithymia
  • Selective Mutism
  • Dysgraphia
  • Dyslexia
  • Aphantasia/SDAM
  • Dyspraxia
  • SIB
  • Depression
  • Intellectual Disability
  • Sensory Issues
  • Dyscalculia
  • Gender Diversity
  • ADHD
  • Anxiety
  • Sleep Disorders
  • OCD
  • Epilepsy
  • Gl Issues
  • Hypermobility/Ehlers-Danlos-Syndrome
  • Tourette Syndrome
  • Immune Disorders
  • Tinnitus
Autism and 

Why I'm uncomfortable with the term «Neurospicy»
Why I'm uncomfortable with the term «Neurospicy»

I've sat with this discomfort for a while, and decided to post this.


Because I haven't seen it posted about. Not because the feeling doesn't exist, but because for many of our community, it is dangerous to challenge the dominant narrative.

It is dangerous to speak up, to challenge, to say "Actually, that's not okay".

Especially when no one else is doing it. I've often felt bolstered in speaking up about inclusion, because even though I might be alone in a certain context, I know I'm not alone around the world.

These perspectives though? Still harder. Still quieter. Still pushed down. This is the power of intersectionality, as more marginalised voices are still quietened in the community, and more dominant voices rise.

The same people who are using neurospicy might be the same people who've complained about someone microwaving curry in the work office. And please don't comment "but I don't do that" or defending personal actions, as this post speaks more to broad power dynamics and I'd like for the main point to be retained.

So here is my personal experience with the term #Neurospicy. Take of it what you will.

Why I'm uncomfortable with the term «Neurospicy»
Here's how you can handle emotions while resolving conflicts in a Peer Support role.
Here's how you can handle emotions while resolving conflicts in a Peer Support role.
Als Autist ist es wichtig, klare und strukturierte Kommunikation zu bevorzugen. Visuelle Hilfsmittel wie Diagramme oder Checklisten unterstĂŒtzen meine Informationsverarbeitung. Ich benötige Zeit, um Informationen zu verarbeiten, und Geduld ist entscheidend. SelbstfĂŒrsorge bedeutet, AktivitĂ€ten zu finden, die Entspannung und Reflexion fördern, sei es durch Achtsamkeit, Bewegung oder Hobbys. Priorisierung des eigenen Wohlbefindens ist unerlĂ€sslich, um anderen effektiv helfen zu können.
Here's how you can handle emotions while resolving conflicts in a Peer Support role.
Martin Winkler auf LinkedIn: "For Me, the Anorexia is Just a Symptom, and the Cause is the Autism" | 10 Kommentare
Martin Winkler auf LinkedIn: "For Me, the Anorexia is Just a Symptom, and the Cause is the Autism" | 10 Kommentare
Ich habe ja auch lÀnger mit anorektischen MÀdchen und Frauen gearbeitet und kann diesen Ansatz mehr als gut verstehen. Selbst wenn vielleicht nicht formal die
 | 10 Kommentare auf LinkedIn
Martin Winkler auf LinkedIn: "For Me, the Anorexia is Just a Symptom, and the Cause is the Autism" | 10 Kommentare
📝 Autismus-/ADHS-Diagnostik & Behandlung | Gesamt
📝 Autismus-/ADHS-Diagnostik & Behandlung | Gesamt
Eine Sammlung von Anlaufstellen zur ADHS- & Autismus-Diagnostik in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Wenn nicht anders vermerkt, bedeutet “Diagnostik” auch Weiterbehandlung nach der Diagnose. Habt ihr weitere Anlaufstellen, ErgĂ€nzungen oder Updates? Dann schickt bitte eine Mail an ALLE ANGABEN OHNE GARANTIE! Die Datenbank entstand auf Grundlage eines Instagram-Posts, hier wurden lediglich alle Infos zusammengetragen. HINWEIS: Die Erfahrungsberichte spiegeln nicht zwingend die Meinung der Seitenbetreiber*innen wider. Wir stellen lediglich eine Plattform zur VerfĂŒgung, auf der gebĂŒndelt Anlaufstellen und Erfahrungsberichte einsehbar sind.
📝 Autismus-/ADHS-Diagnostik & Behandlung | Gesamt
C7 nab hli ez e
C7 nab hli ez e
Being a late diagnosed autistic means realising you spent your entire life understanding others before you understood yourself. It’s knowing that you put all your effort into understanding their...
C7 nab hli ez e