Autism and anarchy: Real autistic community is a class community - Freedom News
Ablism is rooted in the fact that it delivers for some people, that it gathers energy unto itself and uses this like a squatting parasite to reproduce itself.
Das Syndrom ist eine "ganz besondere Art zu sein", sagt eine Expertin. Dazu gehören Konzentrationsschwierigkeiten und Dünnhäutigkeit, aber auch Hyperfokus und kreatives Potenzial
Große schwedische Studie zeigt: 7,5% der Personen mit ADHS haben eine diagnostizierte Schlafstörung - im Vergleich zu nur 1,5% ohne ADHS. Das ist ein 8-fach höheres Risiko. 😴🔍 Zudem bekamen 47,5% der...
I invite you to Google ADHD and trauma symptoms overlap. Each and every venn diagram has a ✨different set✨ of things overlapping. Once again, I think these list are made by outside observation...
Autistic individuals have increased risk of chronic physical health conditions across the whole body
Autistic people have higher rates of chronic physical health conditions across the whole body and are more likely to have complex health needs, according to a study led by researchers at the University of Cambridge. Their findings, published in the journal Molecular Autism, have important implications for the clinical care of autistic people.
My Teeth grinding really badly right 😭😭 Do you know common co-presentations with Autism Teeth grinding tinnitus bruxism -teeth grinding restless leg syndrome autoimmune disease Eds...
Discover Autistic Revolution Magazine, a groundbreaking online publication created by Autistic and other-neurodivergent individuals. Explore the unique perspectives and talents of autistic individuals in this revolutionary magazine.
Autism Genes Link to Sound Sensitivity - Neuroscience News
Researchers are embarking on a pioneering study to uncover how genes associated with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) converge to affect brain neurons, particularly leading to heightened sound sensitivity.
ADHS bei Erwachsenen: Versorgung muss optimiert werden!
Köln (ots) - Die Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit- und Hyperaktivitätsstörung, kurz ADHS, verorten viele bei Kindern. Nur wenige denken dabei auch an betroffene Erwachsene! Die...
Die neurologische Entwicklungsstörung ADHS soll einen evolutionären Vorteil bei der Nahrungssuche dargestellt haben. Ein Experiment mit einem Computerspiel lieferte die Hinweise.
ADHD is a perplexing, frustrating, and disruptive condition still too often questioned and misunderstood. We are smart, people say. We just need to try harder or stop procrastinating. If only it were that easy. Here's the truth about why we can't always do what is good for us.
Genes Behind Increased Chance of Autism, ADHD (or Both) Identified
There is a large degree of overlap between the genetic causes of autism and ADHD. Now, researchers from Aarhus University have found gene variants, which increase the risk of developing only one of the diagnoses and not the /br /
There are prominent scientists that put them into one umbrella term, google “Gillberg ESSENCE“ Early Symptomatic Syndroms Eliciting Neurodevelopmental Clinical Examinations
Wenn du diesen Monat über Autismus einen Beitrag liest oder hörst, dann lass es bitte diesen sein (als Audio und Transcript auf der Seite).
Dissociation in Autism Spectrum Disorders: An Under-Recognized Symptom
PDF | On Apr 8, 2022, Katherine E. Reuben and others published Dissociation in Autism Spectrum Disorders: An Under-Recognized Symptom | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate
What are the autism research priorities of autistic adults in Scotland? - Eilidh Cage, Catherine J Crompton, Sarah Dantas, Khiah Strachan, Rachel Birch, Mark Robinson, Stasa Morgan-Appel, Charlie MacKenzie-Nash, Aaron Gallagher, Monique Botha, 2024
Studies investigating autistic community research priorities indicate a mismatch between what autism research focuses on and what autistic people want to see re...
Was wünschen sich autistische Menschen von wissenschaftlicher Forschung zu Autismus? Eine kürzlich veröffentlichte Studie der Universität Sterling hat erwachsene Autist*innen in Schottland befragt -...
Carmen Farah, LCSW✨ Neurodiversity therapist and Clini-Coach®...
Autism has always existed. In fact, it may have played a major role in human evolution. A 2016 study from the University of York found that 100,000 years ago, people with autistic traits were...
Psychometric exploration of the RAADS-R with autistic adults: Implications for research and clinical practice
Several validated adult autism symptom screening tools exist; however, there are concerns about the validity of instruments in adults who self-identify and thos...
The estimated prevalence of autism spectrum disorder in individuals over 8 years is
currently one in 44, with applied behavioural analysis being the most commonly used
state-funded form of treatment for autism in the USA.1 Part of its widespread availability
is the policy of the American Medical Association (AMA), which supported applied behavioural
analysis as the first choice evidence-based treatment for autism.1 However, at the
AMA House of Delegates annual meeting in June, 2023, Resolution 706 entitled, “Revision
of H-185.921, removal of AMA support for applied behavior analysis”,1 put forward
two changes.