Preventing Neurodivergent Burnout: Actionable Steps for Individuals and Organisations
Neurodivergent burnout is a serious issue, a state of extreme exhaustion…
Understanding Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD): A Common Experience for Neurodivergent Individuals
Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD) is a term often used to describe an intense emotional response to perceived or anticipated rejection.
It's not officially recognised as a diagnosis, but it's a very real and challenging experience for many, particularly within the neurodivergent community.
RSD can manifest in various ways, including:
1️⃣ Intense emotional pain: Feeling deeply hurt or wounded by even minor slights or criticisms.
2️⃣ Fear of rejection: Constantly worrying about being rejected by others, leading to avoidance behaviours.
3️⃣ People-pleasing: Trying to anticipate and meet everyone's needs to avoid rejection.
4️⃣ Emotional outbursts: Reacting strongly to perceived rejection, sometimes with anger or tears.
5️⃣ Rumination: Dwelling on past rejections and replaying them in your mind.
For neurodivergent individuals, RSD can be exacerbated by:
1️⃣ Social communication challenges: Misinterpreting social cues or struggling with social interactions.
2️⃣ Sensory sensitivities: Feeling overwhelmed in social situations, leading to increased anxiety and vulnerability.
3️⃣ Past experiences of rejection: Previous negative experiences can create a heightened sensitivity to future rejections.
Understanding RSD is crucial for building self-compassion and developing coping strategies.
It's important to remember that:
1️⃣ Your feelings are valid: RSD is a real and understandable experience.
2️⃣ You are not alone: Many neurodivergent individuals experience RSD.
3️⃣ You can learn to manage it: Therapy, mindfulness techniques, and self-advocacy can be helpful.
Here are some actionable steps you can take to cope with RSD:
1️⃣ Challenge Negative Thoughts: When you feel rejected, try to identify and challenge the negative thoughts that contribute to your distress. Are they based on facts or assumptions?
2️⃣ Reframe Rejection: Try to view perceived rejection as information, not a judgment of your worth. Sometimes, it's about the other person's limitations, not your flaws.
3️⃣ Practice Self-Compassion: Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer a friend. Acknowledge your pain without judgment.
4️⃣ Communicate Your Needs: Let trusted friends, family, or colleagues know about your sensitivity to rejection. This can help them understand and support you.
Let's talk openly about RSD to reduce stigma and build a more supportive community.
Share your experiences and coping strategies in the comments.
#Neurodiversity #RSD #MentalHealth #RejectionSensitiveDysphoria #SelfCompassion #Neurodivergent #adhd #autism #management #leadership
Das Thema Psyche und Neurodiversität ist in sozialen Medien sehr beliebt. In den letzten Jahren gab es bei TikTok einen Trend, bei dem sich Menschen aufgrund...
What does it take to support Autistic people in a professional context? David and Tanya explore the concept of neurodivergence competency and invite you to join in the conversation.
Patrick Casale| AuDHD TEDx Speaker| Therapist on Instagram: "I always say being AuDHD often feels like a never-ending tug-of-war… My Autistic side craves routine, predictability, and structure - I feel best when I know what to expect and can follow a plan. But then, my ADHD side kicks in, chasing novelty, spontaneity, and variety, making consistency feel nearly impossible. One moment, I’m hyper-focused and thriving on structure. The next, I’m craving something new and feeling restless in the routine I just set for myself. It’s like my brain is constantly pulling me in opposite directions. AuDHD folx, let me know if you can relate in the comments. Follow me @patrick.casale for more relatable Autistic and ADHD content. #audhd #neurodivergent #adhdcommunity #audhder #autistic #audhdcommunity"
1,298 likes, 34 comments - patrick.casale on March 6, 2025: "I always say being AuDHD often feels like a never-ending tug-of-war…
My Autistic side craves routine, predictability, and structure - I feel best when I know what to expect and can follow a plan.
But then, my ADHD side kicks in, chasing novelty, spontaneity, and variety, making consistency feel nearly impossible.
One moment, I’m hyper-focused and thriving on structure. The next, I’m craving something new and feeling restless in the routine I just set for myself.
It’s like my brain is constantly pulling me in opposite directions.
AuDHD folx, let me know if you can relate in the comments.
Follow me @patrick.casale for more relatable Autistic and ADHD content.
#audhd #neurodivergent #adhdcommunity #audhder #autistic #audhdcommunity".
Annika | ADHD nutrition research specialist on Instagram: "Just because there isn't one genetic predisposition that every person with ADHD has doesn't mean that ADHD isn't mainly a genetic condition. 👇🧬 The evidence is pretty clear at this point with all the research we've done into ADHD! ADHD is highly heretible and diagnosis is not significantly influenced by our environment. That being said, our environment can definitely impact how we experience ADHD! #ADHD #adhdisgenetic #adhdawareness"
20K likes, 531 comments - nutrimindcoach on February 6, 2025: "Just because there isn't one genetic predisposition that every person with ADHD has doesn't mean that ADHD isn't mainly a genetic condition. 👇🧬
The evidence is pretty clear at this point with all the research we've done into ADHD! ADHD is highly heretible and diagnosis is not significantly influenced by our environment.
That being said, our environment can definitely impact how we experience ADHD!
#ADHD #adhdisgenetic #adhdawareness".
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Autismus und EMDR
Am vergangenen Mittwoch haben Michael Hase und ich erstmals gemeinsam ein Online-Impulsseminar zum Thema Autismus und EMDR gegeben.
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Am vergangenen Mittwoch haben Michael Hase und ich erstmals gemeinsam ein Online-Impulsseminar zum Thema Autismus und EMDR gegeben.
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💊ADHS? Das ist doch nur eine Modediagnose!
Oder steckt mehr dahinter?
Viele halten ADHS für eine überdiagnostizierte „Erfindung“, doch die Realität sieht anders aus.
Unter der Oberfläche verbergen sich emotionale Dysregulation, soziale Herausforderungen und ein oft beeinträchtigtes Selbstwertgefühl.
In ihrem Artikel „ADHS – unter der Spitze des Eisbergs“ beleuchtet von Ruth Huggenberger genau diese tieferliegenden Aspekte. Veröffentlicht wurde der Beitrag von der Hogrefe Verlag GmbH & Co. KG Testzentrale, einem der führenden Fachverlage im Bereich Psychologie und Diagnostik.
Gerade für Väter und Selbständige kann ein besseres Verständnis von ADHS helfen, eigene Muster zu erkennen und ihre Kinder oder Mitarbeiter gezielt zu unterstützen.
‼ Als Heilpraktiker beschränkt auf Psychotherapie weiß ich, wie wichtig es ist, bei #ADHS die richtigen Anlaufstellen zu finden. Keine Experimente! ADHS ist eine komplexe Thematik, die eine fundierte Diagnostik und professionelle Begleitung erfordert.
Wer sich mit ADHS bei sich selbst oder seinen Kindern auseinandersetzt, sollte sich unbedingt an Fachärzt:innen wenden.
Expert:innen wie Dr. Martin Winkler oder Claudia Jagusch sowie die Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Ärtzeschaft - ADHS können hier wertvolle Unterstützung bieten.
Ein absolut empfehlenswertes Buch zu diesem Thema ist „ADHS – unter der Spitze des Eisbergs“ von Ruth Huggenberger erschienen im renommierten Hogrefe Verlag GmbH & Co. KG.
Es bietet wertvolle Einblicke in die weniger offensichtlichen, aber umso bedeutenderen Aspekte von ADHS.
➡ Hier geht’s zum Buch:
Den Artikel gibt es hier:
➡ Was denkst du?
Wird ADHS unterschätzt oder überdiagnostiziert?
Lass uns darüber sprechen!
#ADHS #MentalHealth #Väter #Selbständigkeit #Resilienz #Psychologie #Fachärzte #HilfeBeiADHS #HogrefeVerlag #Buchempfehlung | 12 Kommentare auf LinkedIn
Okay, who do I need to f*ck to get medical science to research Nuciferine (as it does exist in Nymphaea Alba) for #autism and #AuDHD, due to its (mental) relaxation properties? I can only speak for myself and this needs studies! Vaping "white lotus" really improves my quality of life!
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