Autistic peer-to-peer information transfer is highly effective - Catherine J Crompton, Danielle Ropar, Claire VM Evans-Williams, Emma G Flynn, Sue Fletcher-Watson, 2020
Effective information transfer requires social communication skills. As autism is clinically defined by social communication deficits, it may be expected that i...
Manche Menschen ermatten schneller, halten Lärm weniger gut aus oder nehmen sich vieles zu Herzen. Das sind Eigenschaften, die zum Phänomen der Hochsensitivität oder Hochsensibilität gehören. Wie lebt es sich damit?
Hey friends, When first started to think I might have ADHD, I wrote up a giant list of all the things that I was struggling with that I thought could be related to ADHD. It was a lot of the typical things you would expect: difficulties with procrastination
Improve your productivity with color coding - Structured Blog
Structured combines your calendars and tasks. Set a time and duration for everything you need to do and get a visual timeline of your day, plus see where you have time to take a break.
Structured combines your calendars and tasks. Set a time and duration for everything you need to do and get a visual timeline of your day, plus see where you have time to take a break.
Re: ADHS bei Erwachsenen - Hummeln im Hirn | Video | ADHS galt lange als Krankheit von Kindern und Jugendlichen. Doch sie kann auch Erwachsene betreffen, wenn sie nicht früh erkannt wird und unbehandelt bleibt. Knapp fünf Prozent der Erwachsenen haben ADHS - und wissen es oft nicht. Jahrelange Leidensgeschichten sind die Folge, obwohl die Störung eigentlich gut behandelt werden kann.
What is unique about my experience as an AuDHD Schizophrenic person? - Emergent Divergence
Over the years, I have spoken about my experience of psychosis and autism from the perspective of its uniqueness. However, over the last few years, I have come to accept that I am also ADHD, and I feel that addressing the particular intersections at play for AuDHD people experiencing psychosis is something that needs to
Die Aufmerksamkeitsstörung ADHS bekommt gerade viel Aufmerksamkeit. In den sozialen Medien wimmelt es vor Selbstoffenbarungen – auch von Prominenten. Modeerscheinung oder ein echtes Problem?
Good Autistic Advocacy Organizations vs. Bad Autism “Charities”
Image description: Examples of good autism advocacy organizations at the top, such as the Autistic Self Advocacy Network, Autistic Inclusive Meets, the Autistic Women and Nonbinary Network, and Aut…
Autism and Paranoia: Autistic pattern recognition when it runs away - Emergent Divergence
Autistic people are experiencing paranoia at similar rates to Schizophrenics. What are some of the unique issues and what should we do to address them?
Neurodivergent people make great leaders, not just employees
One of the most pernicious stereotypes is that neurodivergent people are only a good fit for subordinate positions or working in highly technical or individual roles.
AD(H)S und Allergie - gibt es einen Zusammenhang? | ADHS Deutschland e. V.
Das Bindeglied zwischen AD(H)S und Allergie ist der Stress, der das Abwehrsystem schwächt, weshalb es bei AD(H)S viel zeitiger, häufiger und stärker zu allergischen Erkrankungen kommt.
Wobei die Allergiehäufigkeit beim ADS ohne Hyperaktivität noch höher zu sein scheint, leider wird dieser Subtyp noch viel zu selten diagnostiziert. Gerade Kinder, Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene mit einem ADS ohne Hyperaktivität leiden psychisch mehr, da sie nicht wie die Hyperaktiven ihren Frust nach außen hin abreagieren, sondern nach innen gekehrt, introvertiert reagieren.
Rejection sensitive dysphoria is when you experience overwhelming emotional pain when faced with failure or rejection. It’s very common with ADHD and is treatable.
ADHS ist keine Fantasie-Krankheit, sondern eine neurobiologische Störung. Es wird Zeit darüber und über Neurodiversität in einer neurotypischen Welt zu reden.
Anti-ableism and scientific accuracy in autism research: a false dichotomy
It was recently argued that autism researchers committed to rejecting ableist frameworks in their research may sacrifice “scientifically accurate” conceptualizations of autism. In this perspective piece, we argue that: (a) anti-ableism vs. scientific accuracy is a false dichotomy, (b) there is no ideology-free science that has claim to scientific accuracy, and (c) autism science has a history of false leads in part because of unexamined ableist ideologies that undergird researcher framings and interpretations of evidence. To illustrate our claims, we discuss several avenues of autism research that were promoted as scientific advances, but were eventually debunked or shown to have much less explanatory value than initially proposed. These research programs have involved claims about autism etiology, the nature of autism and autistic characteristics, and autism intervention. Common to these false leads have been ableist assumptions about autism that inform researcher perspectives. Negative impacts of this work have been mitigated in some areas of autism research, but these perspectives continue to exert influence on the lives of autistic people, including the availability of services, discourses about autism, and sociocultural conceptualizations of autistic people. Examining these false leads may help current researchers better understand how ableism may negatively influence their areas of inquiry. We close with a positive argument that promoting anti-ableism can be done in ...