There are several types of memory challenges for people with ADHD.Most are familiar with long-term memory and working memory, but less well known is something called prospective memory.— Jesse J. Anderson • ADHD Creative (@jessejanderson) March 14, 2022
Writing has made me a much more observant person.What used to be random fleeting sights or thoughts—interesting observations, soon forgotten—now become ideas, metaphors, and stories to help me better explain complex topics.Connections happen on autopilot, happy accidents.— Jesse J. Anderson • ADHD Creative (@jessejanderson) March 13, 2022
Ritalin ist eine Pille gegen eine erfundene Krankheit, gegen die Krankheit, ein schwieriger Junge zu sein. Immer mehr Jungs bekommen die Diagnose. Die Pille macht sie glatt, gefügig, still und abhängig.
thoughts I had today: - a lot of people / families can be very understanding when it comes to #neurodivergent children, especially #autistic children and those with #ADHD (or both). they do understand that these people have different needs - however if these children are part of your own family, the understanding is often times gone. a need is suddenly not a need anymore but laziness or malevolence. - as we know, #autism and ADHD are genetic. a lot of times those accusations come from people who might be autistic or have adhd themselves. - these parents / uncles / aunts etc. have been judged by neurotypical standards themselves + they might not know they are neurodivergent themselves resulting in them thinking that neurodivergent traits are normal within their family. - they do not recognise needs and difficulties as such because they don’t know any different and because they have been judged by neurotypical standards nevertheless they still apply it to their children - with children and people outside of the family, it’s easier to have a certain understanding because people are observing them from the outside of their intimate relationships and homes, they so not feel personally attacked. - so if people are not the cycle breakers of their homes they have a hard time understanding their own family members, even with an official diagnosis.
New research has uncovered a psychological mechanism that underlies fanaticism
A new series of nine experimental studies indicates that "discordant knowing", certainty about something one perceives as opposed by the majority of others, predicts greater fanaticism. ...
Once thought to primarily affect overstimulated boys, ADHD diagnoses have spiked among adult women. For one writer, coming to terms with her diagnosis later in life has put her past and family history in a new light.
"Syndromtypisch kann sich ein Mensch mit ADHS furchtbar leicht (ohne es zu wollen oder stoppen zu können) in die »Angst vor der Angst« hineinsteigern. Er/sie profitiert in einer Therapie dabei in keinster Form positiv von der Konfrontation mit der Angst..." #ADHS via @readwise— Manuela Hoffmann (@pixelgraphix) September 7, 2022
It doesn't work. When I step over the clothes pile, I take it to start the laundry, only to remember in that exact moment the unpaid bill, the old vegetables in the fridge and and and. How could I fix the clothes thing with this urgent tasks in the back? This is how my ADHD works— Fx33 (@Fx3313) August 30, 2022
Anatomy of doing a task:➊ Start the task➋ Continue working on the task➌ Complete the taskADHD can make it difficult at all 3 stages.🧵👇— Jesse J. Anderson • ADHD Creative (@jessejanderson) August 7, 2022
At a check-up after this, I discover that I suffer from bizarre claustrophobia when trying to chill in an MRI machine. The 7,5er midazolam does quite nothing for me. Later I will learn that a huge benzodiazepine tolerance is a common feature of ADHD and ASPD brains alike,...— 𝕸𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖊∴𝖛𝖔𝖒∴𝕽𝖔𝖘𝖊𝖓∴𝖁𝖔𝖎𝖉 (@HEREDOMETRICS) August 6, 2022
Marie Ng: ADHD Time Management and Software Development
This is episode five. And today I'm talking with Marie Ng. Marie is the founder of Llama Life, a desktop productivity app, which helps you work through y…
For me, one of the absolute worst things about having #LongCovid is that my brain just doesn't work properly. The unrelenting derealisation, short term memory issues & more. It cuts into your very sense of self. It's as though the brain is sedated; continually half-asleep.— Shaney Wright (@ShaneyWright) June 5, 2022
I feel your pain. I would turn a corner while driving and get confused about what side of the road I should be on, or feel lost driving in my own neighbourhood. So scary. An anti-histamine at night (I use Claritin) and a low histamine diet have done wonders.— Jen (@JustJennyHere) June 5, 2022
I literally realized yesterday I have to go over what I’m trying to say before I say because I’ve talked myself into more dead ends because I can’t recall names/things/places I should and I sound like a complete dolt.— Peter Austin Elliott (@PetieE209) June 5, 2022
The many characteristics of long Covid align to many of Fibromyalgia. If people are wanting tools to manage those characteristics, read Fibro material. Blogs, studies etc.— Mick Casey (@mpcasey93o0) June 5, 2022
Yes this is the worst part of long covid. The only time it has lifted for like a week was after a third apheresis. It felt like it was completely turned off for a while. Anyway it came back to baseline after a week.. I am like drunk/concussed/pulling an all nighter all the time.— Michal Mráz (@michallmraz) June 5, 2022
There was some research in ME, I hv no idea If replicated, that used QEEG scans and these showed inappropriate Brain waves in both wake and sleep Zinn et al— Kerry Newnham (@Squashedhedgi) June 5, 2022
nothing quite like forgetting your zip (or postal) code midway through on the phone as someone tries to verify your identity! it's five numbers ffs.must be the neuroinflammation but i've recently experienced a big uptick in memories i didn't willfully make nor try to recall— Fuck Long Covid (@fucklongcovid) June 5, 2022