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חנן כהן • Hanan Cohen (
חנן כהן • Hanan Cohen ( Good that you have realized that. Whenever people are discussing their #ADHD, I tell them about emotional disregulation #DESR and the fact it's not in the DSM and point them to my post and they go AHA! Many (maybe most) people don't know about emotional disregulation related to ADHD and it's very helpful to spread the word about it.
חנן כהן • Hanan Cohen (
What does Neurospicy mean?
What does Neurospicy mean?
This is the question I've been asked so many times since I started embracing this term with my Neurospicy enamel pin design and other goodies. Neurospicy is a brand new word popping up all over the random little corners of the internet I like to inhabit. And I'm seeing lots of weird and wonderful definitions. So I'm here to set the record straight... It's NOTHING to do with food, or mind games. Neurospicy is a fun way to say neurodiverse or describe the neurodivergent community. So, what is Neurodivergent? Neurodivergent is an umbrella term for different ways of thinking or experiencing the world that differ from what is considered ‘typical’ in society (also referred to as neurotypical). It encompasses conditions such as autism spectrum disorders, dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dyscalculia, Tourette syndrome and others. The idea behind this term is that everyone's brain works differently, so there isn't one way of thinking or experiencing things that applies to everyone. This concept has become increasingly important as people start to realize that those who are neurodiverse don't need to be
What does Neurospicy mean?
Neurodiversity: Some Basic Terms & Definitions
Neurodiversity: Some Basic Terms & Definitions
Nick Walker, PhD I wrote "Neurodiversity: Some Basic Terms & Definitions" back in 2014. So far, of all the pieces I’ve written, this is the one that’s been most frequently cited in other people’s work (academic and otherwise). The definitive, citable version of this essay, along with supplementary comments, can be found in my book
Neurodiversity: Some Basic Terms & Definitions
🌟 ADHS bei Frauen: Das Problem der diagnostischen Überschattung ("overshadowing") 🌟
🌟 ADHS bei Frauen: Das Problem der diagnostischen Überschattung ("overshadowing") 🌟
Eigentlich schon ziemlich bekannt in der Neurodivergenz-Community - Unbeachtet unter Fachärzten und PsychotherapeutInnen? ADHS (Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung) wird oft als eine Kinderkrankheit betrachtet, die vorwiegend Jungen betrifft. Doch immer mehr Studien zeigen, dass auch viel
🌟 ADHS bei Frauen: Das Problem der diagnostischen Überschattung ("overshadowing") 🌟
Here's how you can handle emotions while resolving conflicts in a Peer Support role.
Here's how you can handle emotions while resolving conflicts in a Peer Support role.
Als Autist ist es wichtig, klare und strukturierte Kommunikation zu bevorzugen. Visuelle Hilfsmittel wie Diagramme oder Checklisten unterstützen meine Informationsverarbeitung. Ich benötige Zeit, um Informationen zu verarbeiten, und Geduld ist entscheidend. Selbstfürsorge bedeutet, Aktivitäten zu finden, die Entspannung und Reflexion fördern, sei es durch Achtsamkeit, Bewegung oder Hobbys. Priorisierung des eigenen Wohlbefindens ist unerlässlich, um anderen effektiv helfen zu können.
Here's how you can handle emotions while resolving conflicts in a Peer Support role.
Michael (@adhdruids) on Threads
Michael (@adhdruids) on Threads
Hey ADHD & Autistic friends. When people say "you need to rest" did you know there are 7 types of rest? Physical - Sleep/exercising Mental - Journaling/meditation/nature Sensory - Both Less & more...
Michael (@adhdruids) on Threads
BadCat (@badluckbadcat) on Threads
BadCat (@badluckbadcat) on Threads
An odd thought while at my optometrist: "Does my ADHD affect the accuracy of diagnosis and treatment of ChronicIllness ?" So hear me out... There are a few different ways to diagnose someone with...
BadCat (@badluckbadcat) on Threads
Yvonne (@gedankenfasern) on Threads
Yvonne (@gedankenfasern) on Threads
Frage an die ADHS - Bubble - gerne auch Fachpersonen, die auf aktuellem Stand sind: Was könnt ihr an Literatur empfehlen, wenn man sich ein paar Grundlagen zur Begleitung und Betreuung vom Kindern...
Yvonne (@gedankenfasern) on Threads