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Neurodiversität im Job: Autismus, AD(H)S und Co nicht als »Krankheiten«, sondern als bereichernde Persönlichkeitsmerkmale begreifen | NachhaltigeJobs
Neurodiversität im Job: Autismus, AD(H)S und Co nicht als »Krankheiten«, sondern als bereichernde Persönlichkeitsmerkmale begreifen | NachhaltigeJobs
Jedes Gehirn ist anders gestrickt: Wie neurodivergente Menschen mit den richtigen Arbeitsbedingungen ihre Stärken voll entfalten können.
Neurodiversität im Job: Autismus, AD(H)S und Co nicht als »Krankheiten«, sondern als bereichernde Persönlichkeitsmerkmale begreifen | NachhaltigeJobs
C6oo jd rqjx
C6oo jd rqjx
I truly wish there was more general education on autism and ADHD. there's honestly not much overlap between the two. a lot of people have both. people would rather say something is an ADHD trait than...
C6oo jd rqjx
Is Camouflaging Autistic Traits Associated with Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviours? Expanding the Interpersonal Psychological Theory of Suicide in an Undergraduate Student Sample - PubMed
Is Camouflaging Autistic Traits Associated with Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviours? Expanding the Interpersonal Psychological Theory of Suicide in an Undergraduate Student Sample - PubMed
The current study explored whether people who camouflage autistic traits are more likely to experience thwarted belongingness and suicidality, as predicted by the Interpersonal Psychological Theory of Suicide (IPTS). 160 undergraduate students (86.9% female, 18-23 years) completed a cross-sectional …
Is Camouflaging Autistic Traits Associated with Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviours? Expanding the Interpersonal Psychological Theory of Suicide in an Undergraduate Student Sample - PubMed
The Difference Between Psycholytic and Psychedelic Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy - Psychedelic Research and Training Institute - PRATI
The Difference Between Psycholytic and Psychedelic Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy - Psychedelic Research and Training Institute - PRATI
[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”3.22″ da_disable_devices=”off|off|off” da_is_popup=”off” da_exit_intent=”off” da_has_close=”on” da_alt_close=”off” da_dark_close=”off” da_not_modal=”on” da_is_singular=”off” da_with_loader=”off” da_has_shadow=”on”][et_pb_row _builder_version=”4.9.4″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” custom_margin=”-70px||||false|false” custom_padding=”||||false|false”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”3.25″ custom_padding=”|||” custom_padding__hover=”|||”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.7.1″ text_font=”||||||||” background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”]In the early days of psychedelic therapy in the West, several schools of thought emerged. Two predominant schools were the “psychedelic” therapies of the Americas and the “psycholytic” […]
The Difference Between Psycholytic and Psychedelic Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy - Psychedelic Research and Training Institute - PRATI
hat.talks - AuDHD Speech & Language Therapist 🌈🧠 on Instagram: "I had some sessions this week that focused on monotropic attention so I thought I’d share! 🧠 We talked about different attention styles and the impact of this. We drew diagrams of our brains and what we feel takes us most of our brain space. We also talked about the contrast with monotropism and ADHD 🤯 My clients felt they learnt so much and even went home and into school to tell adults about the different ways they process information and pay attention! Love that it’s enabled them to advocate!! 👏🏻 This is why psychoeducation and post identification support is so vital ☝🏼 #AuDHD #Monotropism #Monotropic #ADHD #Autistic #Psychoeducation #Autism #AutismSupport #AutismEducation #Neurodiversity #PostDiagnosticSupport #SpeechTherapy #Speechie #SpeechTherapist #SLP #SpeechLanguage #SelfAdvocacy #AutisticAdvocacy"
hat.talks - AuDHD Speech & Language Therapist 🌈🧠 on Instagram: "I had some sessions this week that focused on monotropic attention so I thought I’d share! 🧠 We talked about different attention styles and the impact of this. We drew diagrams of our brains and what we feel takes us most of our brain space. We also talked about the contrast with monotropism and ADHD 🤯 My clients felt they learnt so much and even went home and into school to tell adults about the different ways they process information and pay attention! Love that it’s enabled them to advocate!! 👏🏻 This is why psychoeducation and post identification support is so vital ☝🏼 #AuDHD #Monotropism #Monotropic #ADHD #Autistic #Psychoeducation #Autism #AutismSupport #AutismEducation #Neurodiversity #PostDiagnosticSupport #SpeechTherapy #Speechie #SpeechTherapist #SLP #SpeechLanguage #SelfAdvocacy #AutisticAdvocacy"
589 likes, 13 comments - on May 3, 2024: "#AuDHD #Monotropism #Monotropic #ADHD #Autistic #Psychoeducation #Autism #AutismSupport #AutismEducation #Neurodiversity #PostDiagnosticSupport #SpeechTherapy #Speechie #SpeechTherapist #SLP #SpeechLanguage #SelfAdvocacy #AutisticAdvocacy I had some sessions this week that focused on monotropic attention so I thought I’d share! 🧠 We talked about different attention styles and the impact of this. We drew diagrams of our brains and what we feel takes us most of our brain space. We also talked about the contrast with monotropism and ADHD 🤯 My clients felt they learnt so much and even went home and into school to tell adults about the different ways they process information and pay attention! Love that it’s enabled them to advocate!! 👏🏻 This is why psychoeducation and post identification support is so vital ☝🏼 ".
hat.talks - AuDHD Speech & Language Therapist 🌈🧠 on Instagram: "I had some sessions this week that focused on monotropic attention so I thought I’d share! 🧠 We talked about different attention styles and the impact of this. We drew diagrams of our brains and what we feel takes us most of our brain space. We also talked about the contrast with monotropism and ADHD 🤯 My clients felt they learnt so much and even went home and into school to tell adults about the different ways they process information and pay attention! Love that it’s enabled them to advocate!! 👏🏻 This is why psychoeducation and post identification support is so vital ☝🏼 #AuDHD #Monotropism #Monotropic #ADHD #Autistic #Psychoeducation #Autism #AutismSupport #AutismEducation #Neurodiversity #PostDiagnosticSupport #SpeechTherapy #Speechie #SpeechTherapist #SLP #SpeechLanguage #SelfAdvocacy #AutisticAdvocacy"
The #ActuallyAutistic hashtag was created as an alternative to the #autism hashtag to be for blogs or blog posts created by autistic people. How the ActuallyAutistic hashtag is used on the Art of Autism | The Art of Autism A common question from those new to the ActuallyAutistic hashtag is: “is it inclusive of self-diagnosis?” Yes, […]
Sarah (@taesschen_tee) on Threads
Sarah (@taesschen_tee) on Threads
Aahh mein Kopf rattert grade. Deshalb sorry for the spam. Ich hatte grad ne Nachricht geschrieben und wollte enden mit: „Welcome to the neurodivergent Family“ und da ist mir ein Zitat von Stitch,...
Sarah (@taesschen_tee) on Threads
🌈♿️ Mutual Aid and Human-Centered Learning for Neurodivergent and Disabled People
🌈♿️ Mutual Aid and Human-Centered Learning for Neurodivergent and Disabled People
Real Help Against the OnslaughtWe exist for the direct support and mutual aid of neurodivergent and disabled people. We, Stimpunks 🧭 Our Mission: Real Help Against the Onslaught Stimpunks is created by and for neurodivergent and disabled people. We provide mutual aid, creator grants, learning opportunities, human-centered research, and living wages for our community. We presume competence. We believe in self-determination. We, […]
🌈♿️ Mutual Aid and Human-Centered Learning for Neurodivergent and Disabled People
Joely Black (@theautisticalchemist) on Threads
Joely Black (@theautisticalchemist) on Threads
A Story When I was 14, I watched a BBC science documentary. The narrator said that scientists had discovered some people who seemed to have cross-wired senses. They could hear in colour, taste...
Joely Black (@theautisticalchemist) on Threads
Amanda ( ( on Threads
Amanda ( ( on Threads
I'm autistic, I use /genuine as a tone tag to attempt to communicate I am *actually* *literally* being genuine. A LOT of people take autistic peoples questions and search for understanding as being...
Amanda ( ( on Threads
Wendy Nather (
Wendy Nather (
@zate You’re occupying your brain’s task mode network so that your default mode network can freely work on a problem that needs creativity.
Wendy Nather (
AuDHS Spätis on Instagram: "In der letzten Woche durfte ich für die Peers im ZAK Hannover einen online Vortrag über AuDHS halten und ich habe bei der Vorbereitung einige interessante neue Infos gefunden, die ich mit euch teilen möchte. Was ich nicht gefunden habe: Eine wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit der Wechselwirkung zwischen AS und ADHS. Überlegungen zu Konzepten (was ich sehr hilfreich fände, aber so erarbeite ich mir mein Konzept eben selbst…) sogar in einer extra Broschüre für Menschen mit beiden Diagnosen wird darauf nicht eingegangen. Fachbücher erwähnen das gemeinsame Auftreten, mehr aber auch nicht. Andererseits gibt es einige Personen/ Social Media Accounts, die sich damit beschäftigen - und von den Expert*innen kritisiert werden, was ich nicht nachvollziehen kann. Ich wünsche mir da auch, mehr ernst genommen zu werden, es ist dringend notwendig. Was denkt ihr? !B #AuDHS #ADHSautismus #AuDHD #neurodivergenz #neurodivergent #spätdiagnostiziert #differentnotless"
AuDHS Spätis on Instagram: "In der letzten Woche durfte ich für die Peers im ZAK Hannover einen online Vortrag über AuDHS halten und ich habe bei der Vorbereitung einige interessante neue Infos gefunden, die ich mit euch teilen möchte. Was ich nicht gefunden habe: Eine wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit der Wechselwirkung zwischen AS und ADHS. Überlegungen zu Konzepten (was ich sehr hilfreich fände, aber so erarbeite ich mir mein Konzept eben selbst…) sogar in einer extra Broschüre für Menschen mit beiden Diagnosen wird darauf nicht eingegangen. Fachbücher erwähnen das gemeinsame Auftreten, mehr aber auch nicht. Andererseits gibt es einige Personen/ Social Media Accounts, die sich damit beschäftigen - und von den Expert*innen kritisiert werden, was ich nicht nachvollziehen kann. Ich wünsche mir da auch, mehr ernst genommen zu werden, es ist dringend notwendig. Was denkt ihr? !B #AuDHS #ADHSautismus #AuDHD #neurodivergenz #neurodivergent #spätdiagnostiziert #differentnotless"
1,469 likes, 168 comments - the_neurodivengers on April 28, 2024: "In der letzten Woche durfte ich für die Peers im ZAK Hannover einen online Vortrag über AuDHS halten und ich habe bei der Vorbereitung ...".
AuDHS Spätis on Instagram: "In der letzten Woche durfte ich für die Peers im ZAK Hannover einen online Vortrag über AuDHS halten und ich habe bei der Vorbereitung einige interessante neue Infos gefunden, die ich mit euch teilen möchte. Was ich nicht gefunden habe: Eine wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit der Wechselwirkung zwischen AS und ADHS. Überlegungen zu Konzepten (was ich sehr hilfreich fände, aber so erarbeite ich mir mein Konzept eben selbst…) sogar in einer extra Broschüre für Menschen mit beiden Diagnosen wird darauf nicht eingegangen. Fachbücher erwähnen das gemeinsame Auftreten, mehr aber auch nicht. Andererseits gibt es einige Personen/ Social Media Accounts, die sich damit beschäftigen - und von den Expert*innen kritisiert werden, was ich nicht nachvollziehen kann. Ich wünsche mir da auch, mehr ernst genommen zu werden, es ist dringend notwendig. Was denkt ihr? !B #AuDHS #ADHSautismus #AuDHD #neurodivergenz #neurodivergent #spätdiagnostiziert #differentnotless"
Creating Autistic Suffering: The AuDHD Burnout to Psychosis Cycle- A deeper look - Emergent Divergence
Creating Autistic Suffering: The AuDHD Burnout to Psychosis Cycle- A deeper look - Emergent Divergence
This article was co-authored by Tanya Adkin and David Gray-Hammond Monotropism is a theory of autism. It is used interchangeably as a theory and also a trait that describes a style of attention. It suggests that Autistic people tend to have singular but highly detailed tunnels of attention, as opposed to spreading their attentional resources
Creating Autistic Suffering: The AuDHD Burnout to Psychosis Cycle- A deeper look - Emergent Divergence
The Autistic Life (@theautisticlife) on Threads
The Autistic Life (@theautisticlife) on Threads
There's a misconception that Autistic and ADHD people can't be self-aware but many of us become hyper self-aware as a coping mechanism. Thanks to our pattern recognition skills, we notice patterns...
The Autistic Life (@theautisticlife) on Threads
Structured Success (@structuredsucc) on Threads
Structured Success (@structuredsucc) on Threads
One of the reason that different autistic people can have strikingly different support needs is that autism very often co-occurs with other physical and mental health issues. This constellation of...
Structured Success (@structuredsucc) on Threads
How Grief Affects Autistic People Differently
How Grief Affects Autistic People Differently
When my grandad died, I didn’t know how to process it. Then I met others who felt the same.
autistic people experience all time simultaneously: the past, future, and present, all wrapped up in the current moment
How Grief Affects Autistic People Differently