Social, Politics and Whatnot

Social, Politics and Whatnot

Paul Cantrell (
Paul Cantrell (
In college, I took a class called The Letters of Paul. I took it for two very good reasons: 1. I was (and am) named Paul. 2. The prof, Cal Roetzel, was (and is) cool. I didn’t figure it was an especially practical course. It was for fun, for the challenge, for the cultural knowledge, for the pleasure of doing it. WHAT LIBERAL ARTS EDUCATION IS FOR: A THREAD 1/
Paul Cantrell (
Islamischer Antisemitismus
Islamischer Antisemitismus
Die Bezeichnung "islamischer Antisemitismus" bezieht sich weder generell auf den Islam, noch pauschal auf Muslime. Stattdessen verweist dieser Begriff auf eine spezifische Ausprägung von Judenhass, die besondere Kennzeichen aufweist, besondere Konseq
Islamischer Antisemitismus
Why We're Dropping Basecamp - Duke University Libraries Blogs
Why We're Dropping Basecamp - Duke University Libraries Blogs
We at Duke University Libraries have decided to stop using the project management platform, Basecamp, to which we have subscribed for almost a decade. We came to this decision after weighing the level of its use in our organization, which is considerable, against the harms that we see perpetuated by the leadership of Basecamp’s parent … Continue reading Why We’re Dropping Basecamp →
Why We're Dropping Basecamp - Duke University Libraries Blogs
Arnaud Bertrand on X
Arnaud Bertrand on X
Absolutely masterful interview on Gaza of Dominique De Villepin, former Prime Minister of France, who famously led France's opposition to the Iraq war and who, IMHO is the best diplomat the West has produced in decades. This is so important, so incredibly well argued, that I…
Arnaud Bertrand on X