Social, Politics and Whatnot

Social, Politics and Whatnot

#!CHECK #article
Five times ICANN deleted a ccTLD, and what it means for .io - Domain Incite
Five times ICANN deleted a ccTLD, and what it means for .io - Domain Incite
With the future of .io coming into question this week, with the news that the UK will return sovereignty of the British Indian Ocean Territory to Mauritius, I thought it would be a good time to see how ICANN has treated disappearing countries and territories in the past. As far as I can tell, ccTLDs
Five times ICANN deleted a ccTLD, and what it means for .io - Domain Incite
Means and Ends
Means and Ends
Cutting through misperceptions and historical inaccuracies, Zoe Baker shows how the reasons anarchists gave for supporting or opposing particular strategies were grounded in a specific theoretical framework—a theory of practice. The consistent and coherent heart of anarchism, Baker shows, is the understanding that, as people engage in activity—political or otherwise—they simultaneously change the world and themselves.
Means and Ends