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Verfassungsschutz: Agenten sollen mehr Macht bekommen - die Folgen - …
Verfassungsschutz: Agenten sollen mehr Macht bekommen - die Folgen - …
archived 28 Oct 2023 00:03:39 UTC
Auch Lehrer oder Sporttrainer sollen die Agenten demnach ansprechen und diskret auf einen Verdacht gegen einen Menschen hinweisen dürfen - solange es irgendwie der "Deradikalisierung" diene, oder auch, solange es irgendwie helfe, "das Gefährdungspotenzial zu reduzieren".
Verfassungsschutz: Agenten sollen mehr Macht bekommen - die Folgen - …
Arnaud Bertrand on X
Arnaud Bertrand on X
Absolutely masterful interview on Gaza of Dominique De Villepin, former Prime Minister of France, who famously led France's opposition to the Iraq war and who, IMHO is the best diplomat the West has produced in decades. This is so important, so incredibly well argued, that I…
Arnaud Bertrand on X
»Nicht rechts, nicht links, sondern spirituell?«
»Nicht rechts, nicht links, sondern spirituell?«
#Esoterik »Da kommen Rechts und Links zusammen«, so oder so ähnlich lautete 2020 so manche Einordnung verschwörungsideologischer Aufmärsche. Besonders die Präsenz von Esoteriker*innen sorgte für Irritationen. Dabei gab es schon vor Corona zahlreiche Verflechtungen zwischen Esoterik, Verschwörungsideologien und die extreme Rechte.
»Nicht rechts, nicht links, sondern spirituell?«
Freedom for the One Who Thinks Differently
Freedom for the One Who Thinks Differently
What frightens us is the prevailing atmosphere of racism and xenophobia in Germany, hand in hand with a constraining and paternalistic philo-Semitism. We reject in particular the conflation of anti-Semitism and any criticism of the state of Israel.
Jewish writers, academics, journalists, artists, and cultural workers living in Germany
Freedom for the One Who Thinks Differently
Content warning: Israelisch-Palästinensischer Konflikt
DRM-Free e-Books Are Now Available. Here’s Why That’s a Big Deal
DRM-Free e-Books Are Now Available. Here’s Why That’s a Big Deal
Since e-books first emerged as a way for readers to consume content digitally, publishers and authors have required content aggregators to apply Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology to the e-books they sell to libraries to prevent the unauthorized use, copying, and redistribution of these materials. While this practice has given publishers and authors peace of mind that sales won’t be lost to piracy or other unauthorized sharing, it has placed undue restrictions on readers who rely on institutional access to e-books.
DRM-Free e-Books Are Now Available. Here’s Why That’s a Big Deal
The Enemy is Authoritarianism
The Enemy is Authoritarianism
Looking deeper at the Israel-Hamas war and what we're all actually fighting for.
authoritarianism, an ideology that insisted on the the idea that humans do not have inherent worth outside of their subservience to a larger system, leader, and/or goal.
It also applies to things like parenting, where parents “set rigid rules with no explanation, and expect their children to obey them without question or face severe punishment. Children follow these rules because they know there are consequences if they don’t.”
The argument goes, “Yes, you have problems. We, the powerful who control your life, are on your side. And we have the answer for the root of any and all your problems: this group. They are your enemy. Focus all your energies there.”
Authoritarianism is a spectrum and a process: it is not static.
the point is that while they are different in scope and severity, they are all rooted in the belief system of authoritarianism.
There must always be an enemy to destroy or oppress. There must always be a new crisis.
antisemitism is part of “almost all extremist ideologies and narratives.”
however, it is the authoritarian impulse and belief system that is even more dangerous than antisemitism.
in an authoritarian world, there is a need for constant crises. War is inherent in authoritarianism.
authoritarianism is maximalist: either you buy in, you’re subservient, or you’re dead.
And the core problem, the destruction of internal autonomy, gets worse and worse.
The Enemy is Authoritarianism
Have We Scholars of Anti-Semitism Failed to Facilitate Empathy for Its Victims? - Public Seminar
Have We Scholars of Anti-Semitism Failed to Facilitate Empathy for Its Victims? - Public Seminar
For almost a century, most of us have focused on dissecting anti-Semitic ideas and ideologies. But—with the very important exception of those studying the Holocaust—we have not paid enough attention to the impact these ideas, images, and actions have on Jews as human beings.
Have We Scholars of Anti-Semitism Failed to Facilitate Empathy for Its Victims? - Public Seminar
Interview: Wo Kritik endet und Antisemitismus beginnt
Interview: Wo Kritik endet und Antisemitismus beginnt
Seit dem Angriff der Hamas auf Israel kommt es auch in Deutschland vermehrt zu antisemitischen Vorfällen. Wo Antisemitismus beginnt und wie man dem erfolgreich vorbeugen kann, erklärt der Experte Hızarcı im Interview mit
Interview: Wo Kritik endet und Antisemitismus beginnt