Jüdische Vielfalt in Deutschland: Alternative und emanzipatorische Räume | bpb
Eine jüngere Erwachsenengeneration fordert zunehmend Sicht- und Hörbarkeit jenseits etablierter Gemeindestrukturen, die insbesondere einer jüngeren jüdischen Generation ein alternatives jüdisches zu Hause bietet.
Verschwörungserzählungen im Kontext der Coronapandemie
Beliefs in conspiracies have been widely discussed in society since the worldwide outbreak of the pandemic triggered by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Since May 2020 there have been demonstrations throughout Germany in which conspiracy ideology played an important role. The number of conspiracy ideology channels and groups rose during the crisis. Many family members were suddenly confronted in a private context with the question of how to deal with the fact that people close to them suddenly sensed conspiracies everywhere. To have a better understanding of conspiracy narratives this article therefore presents psychological insights that attempt to explain why people believe in conspiracies and what consequences this world view might have. Based on these findings the article discusses how misinformation and conspiracy narratives can be dealt with in a therapeutic setting.
Adrenochrom & Satanskulte - Die dualistischen Verschwörungsmythen von Xavier Naidoo » Natur des Glaubens » SciLogs - Wissenschaftsblogs
Mitten aus unserem schönen Baden-Württemberg streamt und raunt sich Xavier Naidoo in die digitalen QAnon-Troll-Charts. Inzwischen erreichen mich dazu verunsicherte Anfragen aus Schulen. Und wir würden es uns zu einfach machen, wenn wir das virale…
What is the Small Web?
Today, I want to introduce you to a concept – and a vision for the future of our species in the digital and networked age – that I’ve spoken about for a while but never specifically written about: The Small Web. To understand what the Small Web is, let’s compare it to the Big Web. In other words, to the centralised Web we have today. The Big Web You are allowed to rent space on Megacorp’s servers in exchange for giving up your privacy, freedom of speech, and other human rights.
Überwachung: Wir sind alle Cyborgs
»Unsere vernetzten Alltagsgegenstände sind die Erweiterung unserer Persönlichkeit. Deshalb dürfen wir nicht zulassen, dass unsere persönlichen Daten abgegriffen werden.« –Aral Balkan (original english version → https://ar.al/notes/the-nature-of-the-self-in-the-digital-age/)