Rate My Site: Rate your site in seconds – get instant feedback.
AI-generated feedback on website design. Enter a URL and get a score and feedback on the visual design, layout and clarity, and content. The site provides recommendations for improvements as well. As with all things AI, the recommendations should be viewed with some skepticism, but I found it overall reasonably accurate for the few sites I tested.
A Quick Guide to Using Tweego
One problem with Twine is that it can start to lag when your story gets too big (often around 300 passages). For larger games, it may be better to break it up into multiple smaller files. This guide explains how to use Tweego to combine multiple HTML files created in Twine into a single file.
A Modern Developer's Workflow For Twine
A developer shares his workflow for working with Twine. Instead of writing in Twine's visual editor, he writes in a text editor and uses VSCode. For larger games (~300+ passages), Twine's visual editor doesn't scale as well. This workflow also includes some information about how he handles version control.