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#instructionaldesign #storytelling #Storytelling
(PDF) Storifying Instructional Videos on Online Credibility Evaluation: Examining Engagement and Learning
(PDF) Storifying Instructional Videos on Online Credibility Evaluation: Examining Engagement and Learning

This study researched whether adding story elements to an instructional video affects motivation, emotional engagement, and learning. In the research, they explain that they did not find any difference between a well-produced instructional video and a storified instructional video.

However, the storified video feels very artificial to me. This isn't a story about a relevant character the learners can identify with who uses the concepts in realistic situations (or even slightly exaggerated ones). This is about a fake detective agency. I'd be cautious about assuming this research applies to realistic stories as well.

(PDF) Storifying Instructional Videos on Online Credibility Evaluation: Examining Engagement and Learning
Strategies for Humanizing Training
Strategies for Humanizing Training
Rance Green summarizes the structure for instructional story design.
<div class="lw-widget-in learnworlds-main-text learnworlds-element learnworlds-main-text-normal" data-element-id="textNormal" data-node-type="text" id="el_1658785768982_396" style="">To sum up this structure, it looks like this:&nbsp;<br></div><h4 class="lw-widget-in learnworlds-heading4 learnworlds-heading4-large learnworlds-element" data-element-id="textNormal" data-node-type="text" id="el_1658786051875_436" style=""><div style="text-align: center;">STORY <span style="color: rgb(255, 132, 0);">&gt; </span>REFELECT <span style="color: rgb(255, 132, 0);">&gt; </span>SOLVE <span style="color: rgb(255, 132, 0);">&gt; </span>FEEDBACK</div></h4><ul class="lw-widget-in lw-cols oneItem-per-row multiple-rows learnworlds-element js-same-content-wrapper" data-node-type="listWrapper" data-element-id="listType1" id="el_1658951004446_1498"> <li class="col no-padding flex-item with-flexible-parts non-flexible js-lw-flexible-wrapper js-same-content-child" data-node-type="listItem" id="el_1658951004451_1508"> <span class="learnworlds-main-text-normal flexible-part learnworlds-icon lw-brand-text fas fa-angle-right" data-node-type="icon" id="el_1658951004453_1509"></span> <div class="flexible-part learnworlds-main-text learnworlds-element learnworlds-main-text-normal" data-node-type="text" id="el_1658951004454_1510">Tell the story first.</div> </li> <li class="col no-padding flex-item with-flexible-parts non-flexible js-lw-flexible-wrapper js-same-content-child" data-node-type="listItem" id="el_1658951004455_1511"> <span class="learnworlds-main-text-normal flexible-part learnworlds-icon lw-brand-text fas fa-angle-right" data-node-type="icon" id="el_1658951004456_1512"></span> <div class="flexible-part learnworlds-main-text learnworlds-element learnworlds-main-text-normal" data-node-type="text" id="el_1658951004457_1513">Ask the learner to reflect on the story.&nbsp;</div> </li> <li class="col no-padding flex-item with-flexible-parts non-flexible js-lw-flexible-wrapper js-same-content-child" data-node-type="listItem" id="el_1658951004458_1514"> <span class="learnworlds-main-text-normal flexible-part learnworlds-icon lw-brand-text fas fa-angle-right" data-node-type="icon" id="el_1658951004458_1515"></span> <div class="flexible-part learnworlds-main-text learnworlds-element learnworlds-main-text-normal" data-node-type="text" id="el_1658951004459_1516">Ask the learner to solve something based on the story.</div> </li> <li class="col no-padding flex-item with-flexible-parts non-flexible js-lw-flexible-wrapper js-same-content-child" data-node-type="listItem" id="el_1658951103925_1569"> <span class="learnworlds-main-text-normal flexible-part learnworlds-icon lw-brand-text fas fa-angle-right" data-node-type="icon" id="el_1658951103924_1567"></span> <div class="flexible-part learnworlds-main-text learnworlds-element learnworlds-main-text-normal" data-node-type="text" id="el_1658951103924_1568">Give the learner feedback on their answers.</div></li></ul>
Strategies for Humanizing Training
Great Storytelling and Compliance Training an Obvious Match | Learning Solutions Magazine
Great Storytelling and Compliance Training an Obvious Match | Learning Solutions Magazine
Weaving stories into compliance training helps keeps learners engaged. Includes quotes and descriptions of examples used by several companies on how they implemented it. These aren't straightforward traditional elearning; one is a podcast, another uses episodic training with characters who return over time to build their story.
Great Storytelling and Compliance Training an Obvious Match | Learning Solutions Magazine
Flipping the conversation at ElNet Workplace Learning Congress | Explorations in learning
Flipping the conversation at ElNet Workplace Learning Congress | Explorations in learning
Tanya Lau's detailed explanation of her presentation on "Flipping the conversation" to performance and performance support rather than focusing only on formal training content. Includes notes on how she recorded and edited video on her smartphone for the presentation. She gives credit to my post on "Selling Storytelling" as part of the inspiration for her presentation because of how I scripted conversation around business objectives and measurement.
Flipping the conversation at ElNet Workplace Learning Congress | Explorations in learning