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CCK08: How to Profit off of Open Source, Or at least pay the Bills « Bradleyshoebottom’s Weblog
CCK08: How to Profit off of Open Source, Or at least pay the Bills « Bradleyshoebottom’s Weblog
Building on ideas from Stephen Downes on different models for sustainable open source work, this provides specific examples of how open source could benefit a complex industry like telecommunications and benefit that corporate environment.
Now how do you make this open source and still pay the bills. One way would be to make the training content truly open like MIT. To recover costs, the manufacture or the training provider could charge for certification exam, access to mentors, discussion groups, and access the training equipment. So if certification credentials are import to the customer, then this model works.
or example, I have already explained how the customer can build dynamic content around their features, but a customer could also using Wiki-like features, go in and upload their system schematics, photos, maps, or IP addresses and then have the content repository publish a unique document for the requestor. The automotive industry is already moving in this direction creating unique user manuals for each customer based on the features selected at the time of purchase.
CCK08: How to Profit off of Open Source, Or at least pay the Bills « Bradleyshoebottom’s Weblog