Blog posts

#eLearning #writing
Write better elearning scenarios: active or descriptive choices – Learningworld Design
Write better elearning scenarios: active or descriptive choices – Learningworld Design
In branching scenarios, descriptive choices "You tell him he is right" feel very different than active choices ""You're right!" I agree with the author that there are no hard and fast rules in branching scenarios; there are times that both can be used effectively.
The most important aspect of branching scenarios and interactive stories are the choices presented to the player/learner. Choices are what make interactive stories different from other creative writing outputs such as novels, plays and movies.
Choices can feel totally different to a player depending on how they are written, even if they seem to have the same outcome.
Write better elearning scenarios: active or descriptive choices – Learningworld Design
Concise writing is best for elearning » Making Change
Concise writing is best for elearning » Making Change
A concise post pulling a bit of research where the lesson with the fewest words resulted in the most learning. Nice argument for keeping your e-learning short, although look at the original to see what they were actually studying in context (scientific processes with cause and effect, using visuals as well as text to explain).
Concise writing is best for elearning » Making Change
In the Middle of the Curve: Deeper Instructional Design
In the Middle of the Curve: Deeper Instructional Design
Wendy Wickham's liveblogged notes from Clark Quinn's presentation on Deeper Instructional Design. Lots of ideas in this post--create models that actually help people understand the content and recognize patterns, pay attention to motivation and emotion, give learners the least they need to get them to do what's needed, create learner-centered objectives instead of designer-centered objectives, use stories and active practice.
We can't "create" learning<br>- We can design environments conducive to learning.<br>- We design learning experiences.
Don't design CONTENT, design EXPERIENCES<br>- Design the "Flow".<br>- Start bringing in emotions and the actions they take
In the Middle of the Curve: Deeper Instructional Design
Avoiding the 5 Most Common Mistakes in Using Blogs with Students
Avoiding the 5 Most Common Mistakes in Using Blogs with Students

The 5 mistakes outlined in this article are

  1. "Ineffective contextualization" (not thinking about the best way to use blogs, usually self-reflection)
  2. "Unclear Learning Outcomes"
  3. "Misuse of the environment" (treating blogs like wikis or discussion forums)
  4. "Illusive grading practices" (lacking clear rubrics)
  5. "Inadequate time allocation" (both for students to write and instructors to grade and give feedback)
Avoiding the 5 Most Common Mistakes in Using Blogs with Students