Blog posts

The PARA Method: A Universal System for Organizing Digital Information - Forte Labs
The PARA Method: A Universal System for Organizing Digital Information - Forte Labs
This is outside my usual learning-related resource, but I think it's relevant to IDs and elearning developers because we tend to generate loads of digital files. We also frequently have multiple projects happening simultaneously (and if you do freelance or consulting work, those projects are on different systems). This article is about a method for both clearly identifying your projects and tasks as well as organizing the resources to support them.
The PARA Method: A Universal System for Organizing Digital Information - Forte Labs
Remote Work Doesn’t Scale … or Does It? – Hacker Noon
Remote Work Doesn’t Scale … or Does It? – Hacker Noon
The founder of Articulate explains how having a remote workforce makes it easier to scale up as a company grows
Because we’re remote, we’re laser-focused on productivity. We know a team’s working well because they’re producing high-quality work. And we know when things aren’t working well because there are hiccups in productivity or quality.
In fact, I firmly believe that <em class="markup--em markup--p-em">Articulate is better at collaboration and communication</em> than many traditional companies because we haven’t had the luxury of assuming it’ll just happen organically. We deliberately architect the way we work to support collaboration and foster clear, direct, open communication.
Remote Work Doesn’t Scale … or Does It? – Hacker Noon
Doodle: easy scheduling
Doodle: easy scheduling
Free tool, no registration required. Create an event and some suggested times and send the link out to participants. Let everyone choose which times they are available. With registration, you can connect it to your calendar. I do sometimes miss enterprise Outlook for the simplicity of seeing everyone's availability when scheduling meetings, but this would probably work for most of my needs now.
Doodle: easy scheduling
A List Apart: Articles: Working From Home: The Readers Respond
A List Apart: Articles: Working From Home: The Readers Respond
Tips from ALA readers on working from home--how to manage your time, be productive, and find balance. Telecommuting is very individual. I'd go insane if I had a manager who trusted me so little that I had to send HOURLY progress reports, but clearly it works for the person who submitted that idea.
A List Apart: Articles: Working From Home: The Readers Respond
Half an Hour: Finding Time
Half an Hour: Finding Time
Stephen Downes, on finding the time to write online by focusing on using content from a closed environment and bringing it into the open.
The whole point isn't to *add* online writing on top of everything else you do. Nobody has time for that.<br><br>Rather, what you want to be thinking of doing is to gradually migrate to writing online *instead* of writing for those other purposes.<br><br>That doesn't mean you become a blog writer and nothing else. Rather, what you'll find is that writing for the website makes writing for all those other things a lot easier.
The idea is to take the stuff you do for private audiences and to present it (as much as you can) to public audiences.<br>
Half an Hour: Finding Time