Blog posts

Transitioning from education to instructional design
Transitioning from education to instructional design
Melanie Knight has been doing some great posts sharing her notes and reflections as she learns about instructional design and transitions her career. This article is a reflection on her journey so far and the ways she has been learning and sharing. She also includes a list of resources that she has learned from.
Transitioning from education to instructional design
How to Determine if an Individual Is a Volunteer or an Employee
How to Determine if an Individual Is a Volunteer or an Employee
This article explains the difference between volunteers and employees, as well as listing the 7 factors for determining if an intern can be unpaid or not. (The quick answer is that it's likely cheaper and easier to pay an intern than to legally offer an unpaid internship.)
There are no general regulations that permit volunteering of services to an employer in the private sector. All hours worked must be paid.
How to Determine if an Individual Is a Volunteer or an Employee
Can You Accept Volunteer Labor? - HR Daily Advisor
Can You Accept Volunteer Labor? - HR Daily Advisor

Volunteering can be a great way to get some experience when you're first getting started in a field. However, you should volunteer for a nonprofit. You can't volunteer for a for-profit company.

Asking a company if you can do free work for them tells that company that you believe they will violate federal law to take advantage of you. You're not doing them a favor. You're asking them to do an enormous amount of work by having an attorney help them create an unpaid internship program just for you.

Most for-profit organizations cannot accept volunteer, unpaid labor without running afoul of the FLSA.
Even interns must be paid in most circumstances—if they’re performing tasks that benefit the employer (as opposed to just learning and observing), they’re completing work that is entitled to pay. This is true even if the intern <em>offers</em> his or her services for free just to get started with the organization.
Can You Accept Volunteer Labor? - HR Daily Advisor
How to Become an Instructional Designer: The Ultimate Resource List - Scissortail Creative Services, LLC
How to Become an Instructional Designer: The Ultimate Resource List - Scissortail Creative Services, LLC
An extensive list of curated resources for becoming an instructional designer, including blog posts, videos, books, and people to follow on Twitter. There's a section specifically for teachers looking to transition to an ID career too. (Yes, my ID careers posts are on the list, but there's a ton of other good stuff from other people too).
How to Become an Instructional Designer: The Ultimate Resource List - Scissortail Creative Services, LLC
How much does it cost to start freelancing in instructional design?
How much does it cost to start freelancing in instructional design?
Cara North breaks down the expenses to get started freelancing, using her actual costs plus a few alternatives. For setting up an LLC, website, hardware, software, and professional development, you can expect to spend a few thousand dollars in the first year.
So how much does it cost to start as a freelance instructional designer? My estimate is between $3000 and $5000.
How much does it cost to start freelancing in instructional design?
How Instructional Design Is Operationalized in Various Industries for job-Seeking Learning Designers: Engaging the Talent Development Capability Model | SpringerLink
How Instructional Design Is Operationalized in Various Industries for job-Seeking Learning Designers: Engaging the Talent Development Capability Model | SpringerLink
Research comparing job listings to the ATD capability model.
Using the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) organizational framework as our method of reviewing job postings, we found that instructional design, talent delivery and facilitation, technology application, communication, and collaboration and leadership capabilities appeared the most frequently.
For corporate settings, more jobs than expected require bachelor’s degrees and fewer jobs than expected require a master’s degree or higher. On the contrary, for higher education settings, more jobs than expected required master’s degrees or higher and fewer jobs than expected required bachelor’s degrees. While this may not be surprising to some job seekers, it does indicate that job applicants with bachelor’s degrees already possess the educational requirements for a corporate role.
How Instructional Design Is Operationalized in Various Industries for job-Seeking Learning Designers: Engaging the Talent Development Capability Model | SpringerLink
How to Become an Instructional Designer: The Definitive Guide - Devlin Peck - Performance Consultant for Corporate Training Teams
How to Become an Instructional Designer: The Definitive Guide - Devlin Peck - Performance Consultant for Corporate Training Teams
This 10,000-word guide starts at the very beginning, explaining what instructional designers are and what they do for different types of organizations. There's a quick summary of theories and different tools, tips for creating a portfolio, and info on ways to learn more.
How to Become an Instructional Designer: The Definitive Guide - Devlin Peck - Performance Consultant for Corporate Training Teams
The Science of the Job Search, Part VII: You Only Need 50% of Job “Requirements” – TalentWorks
The Science of the Job Search, Part VII: You Only Need 50% of Job “Requirements” – TalentWorks
Job listings are descriptions of what they imagine the ideal candidate should have. Don't be afraid to apply to jobs because you can't check every single box. You can get interviews while meeting only about half the requirements.
<strong>You’re as likely to get a job interview m</strong><strong>eeting 50% of job requirements as meeting 90% of them.</strong>
You may have seen stories before about how women in particular&nbsp;<a href="">don’t apply for jobs unless they’re 100% qualified</a>. We wondered if they were on to something – maybe there’s gender discrimination at play and hiring managers look for women to meet more of the requirements. Turns out,&nbsp;<strong>our findings apply just as much to women as to men</strong>, and actually, <strong>for women, the chances of getting an interview start increasing as soon as you meet 30% of requirements</strong>.
The Science of the Job Search, Part VII: You Only Need 50% of Job “Requirements” – TalentWorks
Different Types of Learning Theories – Understanding the Basics | My Love for Learning
Different Types of Learning Theories – Understanding the Basics | My Love for Learning
An overview of learning theories: behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism, social learning, connectivism, and adult learning. The connectivism description is questionable (or at least it's not Stephen Downes's version of connectivism, which I'm familiar with).
Different Types of Learning Theories – Understanding the Basics | My Love for Learning
Instructional Design and Technology | edX
Instructional Design and Technology | edX
Instructional Design and Technology "MicroMasters" through edX and UMUC. 4 courses, 8 weeks each, 4-6 hours per week. Around Free to try, $800 for verified credits. While I'm not sure how much hands on experience this program gives, it might be a good option for formal education for people looking for something less than a full masters program.
Instructional Design and Technology | edX
The 60-minute masters | Onlignment
The 60-minute masters | Onlignment
This was created in 2007 as a quick course in designing e-learning for SMEs. While the fully developed versions of the course seem to no longer be available, the scripts are here so you could create your own version. New instructional designers may benefit from reading the scripts and envisioning how they could create a course.
The 60-minute masters | Onlignment
Where to Find Freelance Instructional Design Gigs - Ashley Chiasson, M.Ed
Where to Find Freelance Instructional Design Gigs - Ashley Chiasson, M.Ed

First hand experience from someone who has used multiple different sites and techniques to find freelance clients. I think the cold contacts really only works because she put in so much effort researching and targeting specific companies with customized messages; I doubt generic cold contacts would have done as much for her. Super fan-girling over here that @ChristyATucker linked to some of my posts! EEE! - Where to Find Freelance ID Gigs

Where to Find Freelance Instructional Design Gigs - Ashley Chiasson, M.Ed