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Share Best Practices - Patterns : eLearning Technology
Share Best Practices - Patterns : eLearning Technology
Instead of calling them "best practices" maybe they should be "better patterns"; there isn't just one way to do things. We can try to reproduce patterns or create variations on a theme. For problem solving and critical thinking, this is probably a more accurate description of what we do than "best practices."
Share Best Practices - Patterns : eLearning Technology
90-9-1 Theory - Wiki Patterns
90-9-1 Theory - Wiki Patterns
Wiki Patterns explanation of participation in a wiki with the 90-9-1 theory. This includes some of the statistics of participation for Wikipedia and other community sites.
The 90-9-1 theory explains the percentage of a wiki's participation, breaking it down as readers being the highest percent, with minor contributors composing the 9 percent and enthusiastic and active contributors composing 1 percent of the total participants in a wiki.
While it is impossible to overcome this type of human behaviour, it is possible to change the participation distribution (i.e 80-16-4 where 80% are lurkers, 16% contribute a little and 4% contribute the most).
90-9-1 Theory - Wiki Patterns
Digital Vaults: Social networking for primary sources «
Digital Vaults: Social networking for primary sources «
Description of the National Archives Digital Vault and how it may help digitial natives find primary sources in a more accessible way. I'm not sure whether the digital native/immigrant difference is as important as the simple fact that the Digitial Vault is more visually appealing and interactive. I think it helps show patterns and connections between primary sources more effectively, which can be helpful for people of any age.
Digital Vaults: Social networking for primary sources «