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OQAR :: Home
OQAR :: Home
Online Quality Assurance Reviewer. Awkward name for a product, but it does similar functions to ReviewMyELearning. Reviewers can comment with each page of a course and IDs can collect feedback from everyone on the team. Unfortunately, they don't have a free trial, so there's no way to test it out and make sure it works for your courses without paying for it.
OQAR :: Home
The Ultimate eLearning Design and Development Checklist « Flirting w/ eLearning
The Ultimate eLearning Design and Development Checklist « Flirting w/ eLearning
Checklist for e-learning design and development, with points in many categories: instructional design, technical issues, accessibility, assessment, navigation, design, videos & animation, audio, graphics, text, fonts, testing (QA). This would be a nice starting point for customizing a checklist for a specific organization, tweaking it for particular needs.
The Ultimate eLearning Design and Development Checklist « Flirting w/ eLearning