Blog posts

21st Century Teaching and Learning: Learning in the Social Web: Online Teaching and Learning 2.0
21st Century Teaching and Learning: Learning in the Social Web: Online Teaching and Learning 2.0
Presentation on teaching online with VoiceThread & Ning, including survey results with learner perspectives on how these tools helped create a sense of community
21st Century Teaching and Learning: Learning in the Social Web: Online Teaching and Learning 2.0
The New Literacy: Stanford study finds richness and complexity in students' writing
The New Literacy: Stanford study finds richness and complexity in students' writing
Young people write more than they used to, and they don't just write when it's required. The study also found that spelling errors aren't as much of a problem as they were 20 years ago, now that spell check software is easily accessible.
Today's kids don't just write for grades anymore. They write to shake the world. Moreover, they are writing more than any previous generation, ever, in history. They navigate in a bewildering new arena where writers and their audiences have merged.
For these students, "Good writing changes something. It doesn't just sit on the page. It gets up, walks off the page and changes something," whether it's a website or a poster for a walkathon.
The New Literacy: Stanford study finds richness and complexity in students' writing
The Snack Bar | TechIntersect
The Snack Bar | TechIntersect
Tech companies can provide snacks for their employees without worrying that people will spend all day gorging themselves at the snack bar. So why don't companies and schools trust that if they give people access to social media that they won't spend all day on Facebook? I like the analogy here.
This issue is all about trust. Schools don’t trust students or teachers to do the right thing. Companies don’t trust employees. but the problem lies not with the technology, but with with setting expectations and ensuring those expectations are met. When a company blocks access to social media, it is blocking access to its own future growth and when a school blocks access to social media it is blocking access to a student’s future growth.
The Snack Bar | TechIntersect
The Strength of Weak Ties » Integrity or Dishonesty?
The Strength of Weak Ties » Integrity or Dishonesty?
If a student doing research searches related tags on delicious, is that cheating? That's the question discussed here, and many teachers would argue that it's dishonest to use those bookmarks. But if you look at the bibliography for a print source as a place to find more research, would that be cheating? You still have to read and understand the content, but the process for finding it is changing.
The Strength of Weak Ties » Integrity or Dishonesty?
The Bamboo Project Blog: Using to Create an Easy, Always Updated Online Portfolio
The Bamboo Project Blog: Using to Create an Easy, Always Updated Online Portfolio
If you are already posting your work online, use a social bookmarking tool like to collect everything in one place. As you create more work, just bookmark it and tag it to update your portfolio.
The Bamboo Project Blog: Using to Create an Easy, Always Updated Online Portfolio High-tech instruction method 'facilitates learning' High-tech instruction method 'facilitates learning'
Nice write-up in the Erie, PA paper about a high school teacher (and new PLS online facilitator) using the technology skills he learned in the Building Online Collaborative Environments course I helped develop
<font class="style10">"The teacher doesn't become the sole source of information, and -- really, in the Internet age -- shouldn't be," Brinling said. "The teacher becomes the person who facilitates learning."</font>
·· High-tech instruction method 'facilitates learning'
2¢ Worth » Working for Value
2¢ Worth » Working for Value
David Warlick shares stories of authentic assignments and how they motivate learners. Writing & creating for an authentic audience is different from creating content just for a teacher.
<p>When writing, let’s say, to the teacher, you are communicated to be evaluated.&nbsp; Assessment is the outcome, based on some set of expectations involving skills and/or knowledge. </p> <p>However, when writing to an authentic audience, what you are trying to earn is not an evaluation (though there may be one coming in the process).&nbsp; What you are writing for is a <span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">response</span>, and that response will be directed toward what you have invested in the work, not just the facts you have included or the skills you have demonstrated.</p>
2¢ Worth » Working for Value
Brave New Classroom 2.0 (New Blog Forum) | Britannica Blog
Brave New Classroom 2.0 (New Blog Forum) | Britannica Blog
Discussions pro and con about technology in the classroom, in response to this question: "Do the new classroom technologies represent an educational breakthrough, a threat to teaching itself, or something in between?" Michael Wesch and Steve Hargadon are two of the educators included in the discussion.
Brave New Classroom 2.0 (New Blog Forum) | Britannica Blog
Main Articles: 'New Schemas for Mapping Pedagogies and Technologies', Ariadne Issue 56
Main Articles: 'New Schemas for Mapping Pedagogies and Technologies', Ariadne Issue 56

Schemas for categorizing the use of pedagogies, learning theories, and technologies. For example, Table 1 maps learning theories (behaviorism, cognitive constructivism, social constructivism, and situated learning) against types of technologies. Online communication tools offer more potential for social constructivist interaction and joint construction of knowledge.

This article also suggests a way to map tool use along three dimensions:

  • Individual - Social
  • Information - Experience
  • Passive - Active This isn't a simple framework where a single tool always is used the same way. Blogs can be more social or more based on individual reflection, and could be at different places in that framework depending on the actual learning activities.
Main Articles: 'New Schemas for Mapping Pedagogies and Technologies', Ariadne Issue 56
Tools Used : eLearning Technology
Tools Used : eLearning Technology
Tony Karrer looks at some results from the eLearning Guild survey on eLearning 2.0, specifically what tools learning professionals are using themselves. He compares people in corporations, education, and government. Surprisingly, people working in education are using more of these tools than their corporate counterparts.
Tools Used : eLearning Technology
Ruminations of a Learning Professional: Call a Spade a Shovel - but make sure you describe!
Ruminations of a Learning Professional: Call a Spade a Shovel - but make sure you describe!
One learning professional asks if the title "instructional designer" is perhaps not the most accurate description for what we do, especially with learning 2.0 and increases in learner control.
Is the term Instructional Designer a dead description, title, category or classification?<br><br>In light of web or learning 2.0, there are theories that in fact a better name would be an <span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">information and instruction architect</span>.
Ruminations of a Learning Professional: Call a Spade a Shovel - but make sure you describe!