Blog posts

#web2.0 #socialnetworking
The Snack Bar | TechIntersect
The Snack Bar | TechIntersect
Tech companies can provide snacks for their employees without worrying that people will spend all day gorging themselves at the snack bar. So why don't companies and schools trust that if they give people access to social media that they won't spend all day on Facebook? I like the analogy here.
This issue is all about trust. Schools don’t trust students or teachers to do the right thing. Companies don’t trust employees. but the problem lies not with the technology, but with with setting expectations and ensuring those expectations are met. When a company blocks access to social media, it is blocking access to its own future growth and when a school blocks access to social media it is blocking access to a student’s future growth.
The Snack Bar | TechIntersect
'Socializing' the CMS
'Socializing' the CMS
The traditional CMS/LMS is designed for a more instructor-centered course, so the pedagogy of these courses reflects the technology. This article skims the surface of what might be possible if social networking tools, blogs, wikis, and more were used to construct courses and give students more control. What would that do to the pedagogy?
'Socializing' the CMS
Students tell universities: Get out of MySpace! | Students |
Students tell universities: Get out of MySpace! | Students |
Online spaces are blurring, as universities that podcast and text their students have shown. The Jisc project manager, Lawrie Phipps, explains how the battle lines are being drawn: "Students really do want to keep their lives separate. They don't want to be always available to their lecturers or bombarded with academic information."
Students tell universities: Get out of MySpace! | Students |