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#lms #LMS
A Guide to K-12 Open Source LMS Options -- THE Journal
A Guide to K-12 Open Source LMS Options -- THE Journal
Overview of open source LMS options with examples of districts currently using them. This article covers Moodle, Sakai, Canvas, OLAT, ATutor, and Google CloudCourse. I thought CloudCourse was owned by Google, but it appears the code has an Apache license. CloudCourse seems to be mostly scheduling rather than a full-fledged LMS.
A Guide to K-12 Open Source LMS Options -- THE Journal
eFront: Top 10 Open Source e-Learning Projects to Watch for 2011
eFront: Top 10 Open Source e-Learning Projects to Watch for 2011
Great collection of open source e-learning projects and tools, including multimedia development, screen recording, Android app development, an LMS, and more. (Technically, some of these are Free, not Open Source, but still a valuable list.)
eFront: Top 10 Open Source e-Learning Projects to Watch for 2011
Social Networks in Action - Learning Networks @ UOW
Social Networks in Action - Learning Networks @ UOW
Tool to analyze forum conversations in an LMS, create network diagrams, and identify behavior patterns.
SNAPP uses information on who posted and replied to whom, and what major discussions were about, and how expansive they were, to analyse the interactions of a forum and display it in a Social Network Diagram.
Social Networks in Action - Learning Networks @ UOW
21st Century Teaching and Learning: Learning in the Social Web: Online Teaching and Learning 2.0
21st Century Teaching and Learning: Learning in the Social Web: Online Teaching and Learning 2.0
Presentation on teaching online with VoiceThread & Ning, including survey results with learner perspectives on how these tools helped create a sense of community
21st Century Teaching and Learning: Learning in the Social Web: Online Teaching and Learning 2.0