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Instructional Design and Technology | edX
Instructional Design and Technology | edX
Instructional Design and Technology "MicroMasters" through edX and UMUC. 4 courses, 8 weeks each, 4-6 hours per week. Around Free to try, $800 for verified credits. While I'm not sure how much hands on experience this program gives, it might be a good option for formal education for people looking for something less than a full masters program.
Instructional Design and Technology | edX
Online Course Development: What Does It Cost? -- Campus Technology
Online Course Development: What Does It Cost? -- Campus Technology
Time and cost estimates for online higher ed. The article and research are from 2004, and I expect these ratios have gone down in the last 10 years. The estimates here say it's a 10:1 ratio for faculty time and about $25K per credit hour.
Given the current campus infrastructure, personal knowledge tools, and the availability of digital content such as course cartridges, online cyber problems, and test banks, a recommended planning number today for experienced faculty is 10 hours per hour of instruction.
Online Course Development: What Does It Cost? -- Campus Technology
Does Teaching Online Really Take More Time? - Faculty Focus | Faculty Focus
Does Teaching Online Really Take More Time? - Faculty Focus | Faculty Focus
According to this survey, rethinking pedagogy for online takes longer than learning technology. Developing online courses does take longer, especially the first time, but as faculty gain experience, they become more efficient.
<p>In Freeman’s research, it appears that it takes an instructor a little longer to figure out what they want to do with the course pedagogically than to become comfortable with the technology. </p> <p>“That’s one of the biggest things, that the technological learning curve is shorter than the pedagogical learning curve,” Freeman says. “The technology’s not the problem. It’s not what’s making people take longer when they teach.” </p>
Freeman was able to demonstrate that, once past the first online course, there is a significant reduction of instructor time. This leads him to believe that much of the complaint of excessive time consumption probably comes from the first-time experience.
Freeman’s data doesn’t challenge the assumption that it takes longer to develop an online course than a face-to-face course. What he has established is that the teaching, as well as the development, become less time consuming, and that that change can come as early as the second or third time out.
Does Teaching Online Really Take More Time? - Faculty Focus | Faculty Focus
Physicists Seek To Lose The Lecture As Teaching Tool : NPR
Physicists Seek To Lose The Lecture As Teaching Tool : NPR
A physics professor at Harvard discusses the improvements to learning results when he stopped lecturing and started using small group discussions and peer learning. He's using a more engaging and interactive way to teach even though he has large classes with 100+ students.
<p>At a recent class, the students — nearly 100 of them — are in small groups discussing a question. Three possible answers to the question are projected on a screen. Before the students start talking with one another, they use a mobile device to vote for their answer. Only 29 percent got it right. After talking for a few minutes, Mazur tells them to answer the question again.</p> <p>This time, 62 percent of the students get the question right. Next, Mazur leads a discussion about the reasoning behind the answer. The process then begins again with a new question. This is a method Mazur calls "peer Instruction." He now teaches all of his classes this way.</p> <p>"What we found over now close to 20 years of using this approach is that the learning gains at the end of the semester nearly triple," he says.</p>
<p>Mazur says the key is to get them to do the assigned reading — what he calls the "information-gathering" part of education — before they come to class.</p> <p>"In class, we work on trying to make sense of the information," Mazur says. "Because if you stop to think about it, that second part is actually the hardest part. And the information transfer, especially now that we live in an information age, is the easiest part."</p>
Physicists Seek To Lose The Lecture As Teaching Tool : NPR
Online Education for Instructional Designers: Picking the Right Program by Lorna Collier : Learning Solutions Magazine
Online Education for Instructional Designers: Picking the Right Program by Lorna Collier : Learning Solutions Magazine
Learning Solutions Magazine article on online education programs for instructional designers. Compares certificates to masters degrees and PhDs. Includes ideas on how to pick a program that is the right fit for you. The table at the end with a list of schools, programs, and costs is very helpful.
Online Education for Instructional Designers: Picking the Right Program by Lorna Collier : Learning Solutions Magazine
An absolutely riveting online course: Nine principles for excellence in web-based teaching
An absolutely riveting online course: Nine principles for excellence in web-based teaching
Not a whole lot new to me here, but a solid collection of principles to guide online facilitators. If you're looking for an introduction for facilitators or administrators who aren't familiar with online learning or don't really "get" why you can't just shovel face-to-face content into an LMS to have a great course, this would be a good way to help show what's required to go beyond the mediocrity typical of many online courses.
<h3>Principle 1: The online world is a medium unto itself. </h3> <p> The search for excellence begins with this principle: The online world is a medium unto itself (Carr-Chellman &amp; Duchastel, 2000; Ellis &amp; Hafner, 2003). It is not just another learning environment, like a separate classroom down the hall; it is a categorically different learning environment. There are vastly different dynamics in online versus on campus courses.</p>
Principle 2: In the online world content is a verb.
We are moving to a mode of learning that is less dependent on information acquisition and is more centered on a set of student tasks and assignments that make up the learning experiences that students will engage in, in order to meet the objectives of the course (Carr-Chellman &amp; Duchastel, 2000). In the online world, content is a verb.
Principle 5: Sense of community and social presence are essential to online excellence.
Establishing a sense of community often signals movement to a deeper learning experience (Benfield, 2001). It is through sustained communication that participants construct meaning (Garrison, et al., 2000) and come to a more complete understanding of the content. Indeed it is through such interaction and through attending to the processes of learning and teaching (as opposed to attending only to content) that a deeper rather than a surface approach to learning is encouraged (Ramsden, 2003). Without this connection to the instructor and the other students, the course is little more than a series of exercises to be completed.
Principle 7: A great web interface will not save a poor course; but a poor web interface will destroy a potentially great course.
Principle 8: Excellence comes from ongoing assessment and refinement.
An absolutely riveting online course: Nine principles for excellence in web-based teaching
Web-based Learning Design: Planning for Diversity
Web-based Learning Design: Planning for Diversity
2002 summary of research on how diversity affects online learning, focusing especially on Hispanics. Includes differences in communication due to culture, including differences between different Hispanic populations (i.e., Mexico isn't the same as Guatemala). Also notes that Hispanics are often on the wrong side of the digital divide and may have less prior experience with technology, therefore exhibiting fewer characteristics of the net generation.
Web-based Learning Design: Planning for Diversity
An Inclusive Approach to Online Learning Environments: Models and Resources (PDF)
An Inclusive Approach to Online Learning Environments: Models and Resources (PDF)
22-page article on designing for diversity in online learning. Examines how cultural differences can affect learning and shares culturally inclusive instructional design models. Table 1 on page 6 compares high-context and low-context learning (such as how formal student-teacher relationships are).
An Inclusive Approach to Online Learning Environments: Models and Resources (PDF)
Designing for Diversity Within Online Learning Environments
Designing for Diversity Within Online Learning Environments

The author argues that constructivist learning environments where multiple perspectives are respected and there is no single "right "answer" are better for encouraging diversity. The ideas for instructional design for diversity are more theory-based than practice-based, but this has some interesting concepts.

"The major advantage of this learning model is that one of its key design goals is to encourage students to bring multiple perspectives to questions/cases/problems/issues and projects as part of their learning. This approach to learning views diversity as a strength to be exploited rather than a problem to be solved."

Designing for Diversity Within Online Learning Environments
Kapp Notes: We Need a Degree in Instructional Design
Kapp Notes: We Need a Degree in Instructional Design
Karl Kapp argues that instructional designers should have formal training, and that if degrees were required that it would be better for the field of ID as a whole. Understanding the theory and research behind ID, plus having standards and best practices, would make instructional designers more effective.
As a professor of instructional technology and a consultant in the field who has written, reviewed and advised on ID projects for hundreds of organizations big and small. I have to say that in my extremely biased opinion...a degree is not only needed, <strong>it should be required!</strong>
On an individual basis, it is possible to learn enough, be smart enough and talented enough to eventually become a top notch designer (as Cammy is a great example.)but this doesn't benefit the field as a whole. And, I would argue those cases are rare.
But to say that you can develop instruction without understanding the underlying theories, developments and ongoing research trends is not believable to me. <br><br>I've seen too much bad instruction which has pointed me in the direction of saying that a degree is needed.
Kapp Notes: We Need a Degree in Instructional Design
Innovate: When the Medium Illustrates the Content: Exploiting the Unique Features of Online Communication
Innovate: When the Medium Illustrates the Content: Exploiting the Unique Features of Online Communication
Case study of a course developed with 7 principles of effective online course design (from Chickering & Gamson). Explains how each of the principles was demonstrated and includes student evaluations of the course. Students felt the course was effective in teaching critical thinking skills and promoting student interaction, with many students rating it higher than face-to-face courses.
<li>encourages contact between students and faculty,</li><li>develops reciprocity and cooperation among students,</li><li>encourages active learning,</li><li>gives prompt feedback,</li><li>emphasizes time on task,</li><li>communicates high expectations, and</li><li>respects diverse talents and ways of learning.</li>
Students perceived the course as having the most impact on their critical thinking skills, with 87% rating the course as extremely or very useful in developing these capabilities
Overall, 79% of respondents felt that this totally online course was extremely or very useful in fostering student interaction, a principle of effective teaching that students often fear will be lacking in their online courses (Bullen 1998; Ward 1998).
Innovate: When the Medium Illustrates the Content: Exploiting the Unique Features of Online Communication
Learning Visions: Instructional Designers with Degrees: Survey Update
Learning Visions: Instructional Designers with Degrees: Survey Update
Update on Cammy Bean's survey results. Only about a quarter of IDs have an advanced degree; very few of those who don't have ever been denied work due to the lack of a degree. Interesting comments from Brent Schlenker about how degrees may open doors but don't necessarily teach much useful for skills needed today.
Learning Visions: Instructional Designers with Degrees: Survey Update