Articulate Storyline to Create a Customized PDF on the Fly? – Rabbitoreg (Zsolt Olah)How to create a PDF from Storyline variables using the PDFMake Javascript libraryImported from Diigo#Storyline#howto#javascript··Dec 30, 2020Articulate Storyline to Create a Customized PDF on the Fly? – Rabbitoreg (Zsolt Olah)
Storyline 360 - Generating a PDF Certificate using JavaScript - Articulate Storyline Discussions - E-Learning HeroesDirections and sample file for creating a PDF certificateImported from Diigo#Storyline#howto#javascript··Dec 30, 2020Storyline 360 - Generating a PDF Certificate using JavaScript - Articulate Storyline Discussions - E-Learning Heroes
REQ: Javascript Date Variable Help. - Articulate Storyline Discussions - E-Learning HeroesNotes on Javascript date formatting and how to add 365 days to a date (e.g., for an expiration date on a training certificate)Imported from Diigo#Storyline#howto#javascript··Dec 21, 2020REQ: Javascript Date Variable Help. - Articulate Storyline Discussions - E-Learning Heroes
Pulling first name from LMS - Articulate Storyline Discussions - E-Learning HeroesJavascript snippets for pulling names from the LMS so they can be used in a Storyline moduleImported from Diigo#Storyline#howto#javascript··Dec 16, 2020Pulling first name from LMS - Articulate Storyline Discussions - E-Learning Heroes