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In the Wild « Web2.0 in High School
In the Wild « Web2.0 in High School
Observations from the beginning of a high school project with Ning, Animoto, and Flickr. Most of the insight is around how Ning facilitates conversations between students and lets the teacher join the discussion. Students are engaged with Ning; they are personalizing their spaces and giving each other constructive feedback.
The ability for teachers to understand and add value to the comment ‘back channel’ is a key skill for the ‘connected teacher’. Anyone can swap an writing pad for a blog, there is no value in that. The back channel is the conversation, and is the heartbeat of thought.
I can’t think of another way in which teachers can get such immediate access to the ‘thinking’ process that is playing out in front of them.
In the Wild « Web2.0 in High School
Weblogg-ed » Local Connections and Global Connections
Weblogg-ed » Local Connections and Global Connections
Will Richardson, about the Educon 2.0 conference. Great quote about technology from Chris Lehmann. One of Will's insights is that although we often talk about technology in terms of global connections, the connections within the local community also benefit from technology integration.
As Chris says often, “Technology is not additive; technology is transformative.”
Finally, the one real head twister that I got yesterday was during Chris’s own session when he was talking about how his thinking is moving away from the “having kids publish globally to the world” product piece of all of this a “let’s focus on the process of community building and publishing within the walls” approach.
The culture of sharing and participation that is created within the local community is more important almost that making those connections outside.
Weblogg-ed » Local Connections and Global Connections