Found 6 bookmarks
Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media: Working Wikily: The fine lines between content and curriculum and self-directed learning and instruction ....
Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media: Working Wikily: The fine lines between content and curriculum and self-directed learning and instruction ....
Beth Kanter on the process of developing curriculum collaboratively with a "swarm" of contributors on a wiki
Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media: Working Wikily: The fine lines between content and curriculum and self-directed learning and instruction ....
The Connected Classroom: A Lesson on Reflection: MORE Copyright Confusion...
The Connected Classroom: A Lesson on Reflection: MORE Copyright Confusion...
A teacher's reflections on using images from Flickr. Although she encouraged the use of Creative Commons images, the nature of the student work clearly fell under fair use. Even so, she got complaints from photographers about the fair use of their work. She wrote a really thoughtful response to the Flickr users and had a great discussion with her students about copyright.
The Connected Classroom: A Lesson on Reflection: MORE Copyright Confusion...
7 Things You Should Know About...
7 Things You Should Know About...
<p>The EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative's (ELI's) <em>7 Things You Should Know About...</em> series provides concise information on emerging learning technologies and related practices. Each brief focuses on a single technology or practice and describes:</p> <ul> <li>What it is</li> <li>How it works</li> <li>Where it is going</li> <li>Why it matters to teaching and learning</li></ul>
7 Things You Should Know About...