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Essential Elements in Designing Online Discussions to Promote Cognitive Presence — A Practical Experience | The Sloan Consortium
Essential Elements in Designing Online Discussions to Promote Cognitive Presence — A Practical Experience | The Sloan Consortium
JALN article on supporting cognitive presence through designing effective online discussions. The authors goal was to support meaningful interaction in the discussions rather than just playing an "assessment game" where students post the minimum required for grades. The found that discussions did promote cognitive presence and critical thinking. Registration required to read the full PDF article.
Essential Elements in Designing Online Discussions to Promote Cognitive Presence — A Practical Experience | The Sloan Consortium
Facilitating Critical Thinking through Online Courses | The Sloan Consortium
Facilitating Critical Thinking through Online Courses | The Sloan Consortium

JALN article on 10 strategies to help students improve their critical thinking skills. Registration required to read the full PDF article.

"The following ten strategies are proposed: (1) ask questions that can be answered through information seeking, (2) expect students to describe the meanings of their required readings in their own words, (3) motivate students to use effort through grading criteria, (4) stimulate students to give examples of concepts or theories being studied, (5) provide case studies or other examples for application of class content, (6) prompt students to ask questions of each other and the instructor; (7) phrase questions so that additional independent research or reading is required, (8) promote student debates on controversial subjects within the discipline, (9) require students to use journaling, and (10) reinforce students’ use of critical thinking"

Facilitating Critical Thinking through Online Courses | The Sloan Consortium
Innovate: When the Medium Illustrates the Content: Exploiting the Unique Features of Online Communication
Innovate: When the Medium Illustrates the Content: Exploiting the Unique Features of Online Communication
Case study of a course developed with 7 principles of effective online course design (from Chickering & Gamson). Explains how each of the principles was demonstrated and includes student evaluations of the course. Students felt the course was effective in teaching critical thinking skills and promoting student interaction, with many students rating it higher than face-to-face courses.
<li>encourages contact between students and faculty,</li><li>develops reciprocity and cooperation among students,</li><li>encourages active learning,</li><li>gives prompt feedback,</li><li>emphasizes time on task,</li><li>communicates high expectations, and</li><li>respects diverse talents and ways of learning.</li>
Students perceived the course as having the most impact on their critical thinking skills, with 87% rating the course as extremely or very useful in developing these capabilities
Overall, 79% of respondents felt that this totally online course was extremely or very useful in fostering student interaction, a principle of effective teaching that students often fear will be lacking in their online courses (Bullen 1998; Ward 1998).
Innovate: When the Medium Illustrates the Content: Exploiting the Unique Features of Online Communication